Experience Enabled by Technology Turns Customers into Fans
2 min read
There’s been a shift in B2B, where customers now expect B2C experience. They don’t want to feel a difference between the experiences they have on their personal devices and the apps they use for work. They want technology to be magically everywhere, but unobtrusive. It just needs to work without thinking about it.
Cybersecurity Jobs: 5 Tips to Help You Get Hired
2 min read
Applying for #cybersecurityjobs? Check out these 5 Tips to Help You Get Hired from #NetAcad’s Senior Product Leader for Cybersecurity, Swati Handa.
Video series reveals the people behind the technology
1 min read
Cisco's new “Faces of The Gateway” video series looks not just at how our customers are using Cisco technology, but who they are and what drives them.
Meet our featured Woman in Tech on International Women’s Day
4 min read
On International Women's Day, and every day, Cisco is committed to celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.
Change: When, Not If
3 min read
Change is an all-encompassing concept. For your business, for yourself, and for the world of technology. Find out how Cisco is changing and why it urges you to make an important transformation.
Can you build real friendship in digital work environment?
2 min read
Sharing some easy steps and tips that helped me make work with my virtual teams as effective, interactive, and engaging as any other interaction I have with teams live. Besides that, I got much more than I ever expected from a virtual environment – I got lifelong friends, thanks to the human and digital side of business.
Cisco Live! Melbourne’s Innovation Pavilion Showcases Digital Future
3 min read
Cisco Live! Melbourne’s Innovation Pavilion Showcases Glimpses into the Digital Future Next week kicks off Cisco Live! Melbourne, and four of our inter-connected Co-Innovation Centers in the greater...
Data, Technology, and Women’s Economic Empowerment
4 min read
Join us on Wednesday, January 30th at 8 am PT to engage in a thoughtful Twitter conversation around data, technology, and women's economic empowerment.
#GivingTuesday is Every Day at Cisco!
3 min read
For TA Gives Back, Amber C. decided to teach technology to those who wanted to learn to get better jobs and connect with their families.