International Women’s Day (IWD)

March 28, 2024


Partnering for Purpose: Bridging the Gender Gap in Leadership Development

3 min read

Cisco’s Partnering for Purpose initiative is one way we, as Cisco employees, bring our commitment to power an inclusive future for all to life. We leverage our technology, our people, our expertise in collaboration with our channel partners to share best practices and amplify positive impact–on people, our communities, and our planet.

March 12, 2024


Empowering Women in Tech: Voices from Cisco’s Global Partner Engineering Team

7 min read

In the spirit of Women’s History Month and National Science & Engineering Week, we're thrilled to amplify the voices of some extraordinary women from Cisco’s Global Partner Engineering team. They are driving our business and industry forward, accelerating progress and growth for Cisco, our partners, and our mutual customers.

March 8, 2024


Going the Distance: What Channel Women Can Learn From Marathon Swimmer Diana Nyad

4 min read

To truly support each other, we also need to be real. To connect the dots between inspiration and application, between vision and reality. We need to get down and dirty with our own sharks and jellyfish, our own turbulent waters. Because we all have them—none of us is alone.

Empowering women and transforming economies globally through inclusive partnerships

8 min read

Learn more about four of Cisco’s partners - Living Goods, One Acre Fund, Solar Sister, and Trickle Up - who helped us exceed our One Billion Lives Impacted goal by providing people, especially women, with equitable access to the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to support themselves and their families toward long-term independence, resilience, and economic security.

May 23, 2023


Myth-busting the Path To Success

4 min read

The path to success is riddled with misconceptions and myths. Here are three myths I have encountered in my career and some lessons I learned along the way.

April 19, 2023


#SeeItToBeIt: Inclusivity is an ongoing journey

3 min read

I find myself looking not towards the past, but towards the future and how important equality, inclusivity, and equity are in the context of—The future of tech. The future of leadership. The future of emerging talent.

March 8, 2023


Women’s resilience: what’s it made of?

5 min read

The Harvard Business Review called 2022 “The year of resilience.” I want to talk about what resilience really means and what it really takes in the glorious and messy realities of our daily lives as women in the tech world.

Women use technology to solve the issues facing humanity—and the world needs more

4 min read

This International Women's Day, we're reflecting on the impact that Cisco Networking Academy has made in the lives of women around the globe.