Cisco Customer Experience (CX)

June 27, 2023


Lead from the front. Building a successful – and happy team

3 min read

Leading a team is as challenging as it is rewarding. The best teams are not the ones that keep their noses to the grindstone, but the ones who master the perfect balance between work and deeper connection. It’s down to the leaders to ensure that is possible. I spoke to James Reid, VP, Cisco CX EMEA UKI, to find out how.

Catch the Customer Experience (CX) Cisco Live Replays!

1 min read

Alistair Wildman takes one final look back at Cisco Live 2023. Review the event replays, customer heroes, and more.

June 15, 2023


Paying it forward with sponsorship

5 min read

Humans are social creatures – no question about it. We usually need other people to feel happy, safe, and connected. However, on top of playing an important role satisfying our basic needs, relationships are also critical for our career growth. These relationships can take different forms – join me, as I explore some of them with Sayed Hashish, Katharina Vaeth, and Ralf Schmidt.

June 13, 2023


Machines as “Thinking” Partners

2 min read

“The Machine is only a tool after all, which can help humanity progress faster by taking some of the burdens of calculations and interpretations off its back.” –Isaac Asimov

Cisco names “Global Advocate Awards 2023: Americas” winners

5 min read

The Cisco Global Advocate Awards are back for 2023! We recently named top customer winners in the Americas region for supporting Cisco through advocacy and innovation, in an exclusive awards ceremony at Cisco Live in Las Vegas.

Because every technology experience is personal to you. We’ve got your back!

1 min read

At Cisco Live we are celebrating you, our customers and partners. The Customer Experience (CX) team is obsessed with your success, ensuring that we help you get from where you are today, to where you want to be tomorrow. We've got your back!

Celebrating Excellence: Our 2023 CX Customer Hero Award Winners

5 min read

Today, we are thrilled to present the Cisco CX Customer Hero Award to eight customers who have demonstrated excellence in their specific categories. The following customers were selected from nominations received from across industries and the Americas region and we are honored to recognize them today- congratulations to all our winners!

Grounded by Cybersecurity: Protecting the Aviation Industry from Digital Threats

7 min read

Securing aviation systems involves proactively identifying, assessing, and addressing potential security vulnerabilities within aviation infrastructure. The work entails simulating cyber-attacks and exploiting weaknesses within the aviation ecosystem. These include communication networks, air traffic control systems, and aircraft avionics. By emulating the techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTPs) of real-world threat actors, cybersecurity professionals can uncover hidden vulnerabilities and evaluate the resiliency of aviation systems against cyber intrusions. The findings from these tests can then be used to develop effective countermeasures, enhance security policies, and contribute to the safety of passengers, crew, and ground personnel.

Why Smart Buildings are Becoming a Transformative Necessity

3 min read

In today’s fast-paced digital world, we are more connected than ever before, and this will continue to accelerate as technology evolves and gets ‘smarter’ with the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT).