
August 17, 2016


Social Media for Sales

3 min read

  Let me start by clarifying that this has nothing to do with buying or selling on social media. I am not a fan of the phrase “social selling”. This is a summary of what I have learned in my decade as a Marketer within Sales Enablement.

Join Us for the Women of Impact 2016 Conference on March 10th

3 min read

The Women of Impact Conference is designed for women in IT, to give us a place to network and motivate one another. We unite women from all over the world...

February 17, 2015


Community Manager: Digital Maven

1 min read

The expectations on the modern marketer are ever-increasing.  The list of skills required includes the classics: market research creative writing attractive branding engaging event management seamless customer support Add these relatively newer skills: crisp digital photography smooth video webpage coding real-time social media listening business analytics The community managers behind the brands you continue to […]

May 13, 2013


Cisco Women and TechGirlsUK

1 min read

A Twitter success story Theresa Russell teaches Computing to teenagers in Lancashire, England.  We found each other on Twitter.  I was looking to better understand the newest trends in #EdTech.  She needed a female mentor for an international competition she had talked five students into joining.  We soon formed a team of teachers, mentors, and […]

May 22, 2012


Collaborating thanks to my dog

2 min read

The friend who inspired me to embrace social media does not follow me on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.  She follows me around the house.