Leading and Mentoring in Cyber Security at Cisco
2 min read
Mentorship is important to Shimri and in his post he shares how helping others to grow is a lot like the Bugatti Chiron.
Closing the Confidence Gap
4 min read
On our first Facebook Live Isabella shared that men feel they only need 50% of the skills to apply for a job, whereas women feel they need 80-90% -- in this post she encourages women to feel empowered to apply for tech roles.
#CiscoChampion Radio S2|Ep 3. Giving Back to the IT Community
3 min read
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’ll be talking with Cisco Champions about giving back to the IT community. Rachel Bakker (@rbakker) is this week’s moderator. Listen to the Podcast. Learn about the Cisco Champions Program HERE. See a list of all #CiscoChampion Radio podcasts HERE. Cisco Champion SMEs […]
5 Steps to Make Mentoring your New Years Resolution
2 min read
When people think of mentoring, the images of an apprentice learning from his master are often rendered. The senior blacksmith guiding his pupil through the craft he has spent his life perfecting. Over the years mentoring has changed, and today it is used throughout business to guide the greenhorns throughout their craft, or even life. […]
We all start at Square One
2 min read
I’ve been thinking about what to write for a while now. I’m involved in some really cool projects right now, pervasive wifi in a theme park, using CMX with many zones at that same theme park and upgrading some public schools to newer equipment with full coverage wifi in the classrooms. I think each of […]
Top 5 Learnings for Any Digital and Social Media Professional
3 min read
It’s hard to believe that over eight years have passed since I started working with Cisco. Along the way, I learned so much from peers, the industry, and about myself....
2014 Digital and Social Media Trends Twitter Chat Recap
1 min read
Thank you to everyone that participated in the Let’s Chat! #Ciscosmt Series 2014 Digital and Social Media Trends Twitter chat. What a lively discussion and a special thanks...
Exploring 2014 Digital and Social Media Trends
2 min read
It’s hard to believe another calendar year is coming to an end less than 2 months. I’m amazed at the pace of which digital and social media continue...
Social Media Measurement Twitter Chat Recap
2 min read
Can there ever be enough discussion around “social media measurement”? While I joke as part of the opening of this post, it is a topic that we’ll continue to explore in upcoming #Ciscosmt activities. And as a follow up to my recent “Decoding Social Media Measurement” post, last Thursday Charlie Treadwell, Manager, Digital and Social […]