Innovation, Entrepreneurship, the Brain, and the Mind
4 min read
It’s not uncommon for emotions to hijack innovation and creativity. To counter this, corporations, and even countries, are embracing mindfulness as a tool to keep the our prefrontal cortexes on board.
5 Signs It’s Time to Simplify the Way You Meet
1 min read
Our handy infographic lists five warning signs that your collaboration technology could be holding back your business. Learn some easy tips for better meetings and see how reliable tools can simplify the way you work.
Take Productivity to New Heights
2 min read
Getting Value from Improving Internal Communications In my previous post, I considered how better access to information can save time, reach many more people, and create a happier, more engaged workforce. All these benefits flow from improving your organization’s internal communications. In-person meetings are effective, but with today’s increasing reliance on mobility, remote workers, and […]
4 Ways Video Conferencing Makes a Difference
3 min read
Video conferencing can provide business benefits no matter the industry. Retailers and financial institutions employ video to interact with customers. Medical professionals consult across distance. Manufacturers address production issues more quickly. Where the need for interaction exists, so does the potential for video conferencing to add value.
Indoor Wi-Fi Location and Beacons: Better Together Part 2
2 min read
Location-based services have been getting a lot of attention lately and people are increasingly curious about how Wi-Fi and beacons play together...
Indoor WiFi Location and Beacons: Better Together
3 min read
In just two years, indoor location technology has taken off and attracted a lot of buzz across industries, from retailers to healthcare. But...
Big Business from Big Data
4 min read
“Dad, how many mobile phones were sold last year in the whole world?” “Is this a trick question? Well, there are about 7 billion human beings on earth. Assuming every…” “No, no—give me a number.” “Well, I am not 100 percent sure. How many do you think were sold?” “1.75 billion.” “How do you know?” […]
New Study Shows Value of Internet on Retail
2 min read
For that last few years, Cisco has been watching the impact of the Internet on transforming the retail industry. As more people, processes and things are connecting to the Internet, retailers can capture more data to better predict when and where consumers will want to buy and capture more revenues. Today, Cisco released Internet of […]
BYOD: The Newer-Better-Faster Edge You Need in Retail and Consumer Products
3 min read
In the fast-changing, thin-margin world of consumer products, new winners and losers are created every day. Speed of innovation, time-to-market, and employee productivity can mean the difference between the next hot trend and a warehouse full of excess inventory. Success in the highly competitive consumer packaged goods (CPG) and retail industry depends on broad-ranging collaboration, […]