Indoor location
Build Indoor Location Services into Your Applications
3 min read
Open-sourced Glance APIs let you integrate location services into apps, to show location of people and assets in 3-D.
TechWiseTV: Indoor Location Accuracy, a World of Possibility
3 min read
Accurate tracking of people or objects inside of a building is not as easy as it may seem. There are a lot of factors at play...but thankfully, there are also a lot of solutions. Make sure you understand the benefits and the trade-offs, so you can maximize the Opportunity Inside.
Indoor Wi-Fi Location and Beacons: Better Together Part 2
2 min read
Location-based services have been getting a lot of attention lately and people are increasingly curious about how Wi-Fi and beacons play together...
Indoor WiFi Location and Beacons: Better Together
3 min read
In just two years, indoor location technology has taken off and attracted a lot of buzz across industries, from retailers to healthcare. But...
Connected Guests: Connected Mobile Experiences for Hospitality
1 min read
Imagine this travel experience: You enter your hotel, and your mobile app buzzes to welcome you back and offers you free Wi-Fi within the lobby area. The...
On Demand: Boost Revenue, Build Loyalty in Your Retail Venue
1 min read
Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences is a new solution that helps enable retail organizations to use Wi-Fi location services to deliver engaging store experiences and generate valuable shopper insights. Our industry-specific...
Special Guest Post: Observations from Geneva Airport Passenger Terminal Expo – Part 2
1 min read
EDITOR'S NOTE: This post is a continuation of Brendan's from Tuesday on my observations from the Geneva Airport Passenger Terminal Expo. One of the things that strikes me here at...
Build Customer Loyalty, Boost Store Revenue
1 min read
Do you want to increase sales by providing shoppers with the information they need when and where they need it – in your store?