
September 7, 2018


The Promise of the Cisco Hybrid Cloud Platform for Google Cloud, Delivered

2 min read

With Cisco Hybrid Cloud Platform for Google Cloud, businesses can accelerate on-prem app modernization, ease services management, and quickly secure on-prem workloads in the cloud with integrated support.

August 30, 2018


The Cost of Downtime in Multicloud IT

2 min read

How many times have you heard the phrase: “The network is down” in your business? This may mean that anything but the network is malfunctioning...

August 22, 2018


Digitization and the Inevitability of the IT Evolution

4 min read

The ability to compare costs and benchmark performance between multiple cloud providers versus our own, make the Multicloud world more relevant than ever...

July 31, 2018


Istio 1.0: Making It Easier To Develop and Deploy Microservices

2 min read

As an open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices, Istio promises to make it much easier to build and operate micro-service based applications.

July 30, 2018


Why Hybrid Cloud Makes Sense for Developers

3 min read

Cloud is one of the ways many companies will future-proof business, deliver applications, and innovate faster than ever before.

July 10, 2018


Hide the Complexity of Building/Deploying your Applications on Kubernetes – DevOps Series, Part 9

3 min read

Learn how a tool like "Draft" hides the complexity of building images, and deploying them into a Kubernetes (k8s) cluster. So you can focus on your code.

June 28, 2018


Insights from Customer Zero: Enabling the Next Generation of Hybrid Cloud

3 min read

Cisco’s own IT organization is one of the largest customers of Cisco technologies, often acting as Customer Zero when new innovations are being rolled out. I recently chatted with Mike...