Inclusion and Diversity

June 27, 2022


Developing Inclusive Teams

2 min read

Learn how Cisco Developer Relation's "Full Stack Wellness & Diversity Initiative" can help you build and develop teams where everyone thrives.

June 15, 2022


Inclusion, Diversity, and Belonging in the Developer Community

4 min read

Cisco DevNet has over 600,000 members, and our Cisco Developer Community Forums bring together over 45,000 unique visitors every month. Our diversity creates dynamic conversations, and our inclusion invites collaboration.

International Women’s Day Spotlight: In Celebration of Introverted Women Like Anitha Gollapudi

3 min read

On International Women's day, Cisco’s Data and Analytics Office is proud to celebrate Anitha Gollapudi, who shows that indeed, an introverted woman can be successful in tech.

March 7, 2022


The Much-Overlooked Barrier of Growth

3 min read

What will make this industry thrive, grow, evolve and stay relevant is our ability to attract and nurture a community that is truly as diverse as the markets, customers and technologies we represent. I’m referring to our collective diversity.

February 7, 2022


A Conversation on Mentorship

3 min read

Having a mentor can prove to be a fantastic experience, providing a source of support, feedback, advice and inspiration. Maite shares a discussion on mentorship with friends and colleagues, providing guidance on seeking a mentor and making the most out of this unique relationship.

December 20, 2021


Disabilities Around Us – Turning Awareness into Action

2 min read

In celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3rd) our offices in multiple cities around the world were lit purple. This global movement was started by to celebrate and draw attention to the economic contribution of the 386 million disabled employees around the world.

November 3, 2021


Sponsorship is an Action Verb

5 min read

I’ve always thought I had a strong support network, until I saw what that looked like for others. I wondered how my peers were able to navigate these corporate streets, arriving on time and unscathed. They were climbing the proverbial ladder and progressing in ways I wasn’t; even the ones I outperformed - by far. I learned it was because they had active sponsorship.

September 15, 2021


Proximity: Changing the Narrative

4 min read

I thought for sure Cisco would reject someone like me. I was shocked when my leader, Tschudy Smith, took the time to get proximate to me; it changed my personal journey.

Year-End Reflections: Learnings with Women of Cisco

3 min read

Last week was Cisco’s fiscal year earnings announcement, so now seems like a great time to take a look at some of my learnings from my tenure as co-lead of Women of Cisco Americas board.