Internet of Things: More than a Trend, a Real Business Opportunity
4 min read
We live in the age of the mega trends. You name it, from high in the Cloud, to everywhere Mobility, Big Data, Social, Analytics and more. The Internet of Things (IoT) became part of that select group of mega trends not that long ago, and its relevance, support and understanding have been growing steadily for […]
Increasing Demand for Higher Location Data Resolution
3 min read
Cisco has been playing a critical part for retail, healthcare, hospitality and transportation organizations to gain an understanding of how end-users move throughout an organization’s physical location. This is done...
Partners and Cisco UCS + ACI = Amazing Together
3 min read
Today at Cisco we announced the fifth anniversary of the Unified Computing System (UCS), along with innovations in our Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) portfolio.
Cisco Partner Weekly Rewind – February 28, 2014
2 min read
Each week, we’ll highlight the most important Cisco partner news and stories, as well as point you to important, Cisco-related partner content you may have missed along the way.