digital workforce

Workforce Transition in the Mining Industry

3 min read

Trend Overview Today’s mining industry is on the edge of a big change in their workforce. Approximately 25% of mining employees are over the age of 55. This signals a major employee transition in the near future. So what are mining companies doing about this workforce transition and how can technology play a role in […]

Workforce Transition in the Energy Industry

3 min read

Trend Overview  Today’s oil & gas industry is experiencing serious challenges attracting the workers they need. The 2022 Global Energy Talent Index identifies that 20% of the workforce is above the age of 55 and 82% of workers would consider leaving oil & gas for another energy industry. So what are oil & gas companies […]

How a game is inspiring the next generation of cybersecurity professionals

5 min read

picoCTF is an online computer hacking game that challenges beginners and experts alike to solve real-life cybersecurity problems. Cisco enables picoCTF to gamify hacking and address the skills gap in cybersecurity careers.

Why Empowering Female Designers Can Improve Health Outcomes

4 min read

Cervical cancer, when caught early, can be affordably and effectively treated. But the vast majority of women in the poorest parts of the world have never been screened. The Callascope was designed by women for women to empower them to take care of their own health, without stigma.

Collaboration for the Digital Age

2 min read

A digital workforce transformation starts with a great meeting experience. Learn the best way to connect employees and move business forward.

November 4, 2016


Cisco’s IT Blueprint for Digital Transformation

1 min read

Digital transformation is changing the landscape of business today and no company, regardless of industry, size, or location is immune from the pressure of these rapid changes.