Cognitive Collaboration

March 15, 2019


A Cognitive Future

1 min read

Cisco’s future is about Cognitive Collaboration.  It’s about weaving AI and ML intelligence and context throughout productivity tools, physical spaces and business processes. Stay tuned for more at Enterprise Connect.

March 12, 2019


Uninterrupted Workstreams with Webex: Way more than just a meeting!

4 min read

Whether working in Salesforce or in Webex Teams, Webex helps sales people gain the context they need to be more effective in their jobs.

March 7, 2019


Shaping the Future of Contact Centers and Customer Experiences

6 min read

In the words of author and entrepreneur Seth Godin, “It’s easier to love a brand when the brand loves you back.” So how do you love your customer back? Companies that put their customers at the center of everything they do can make transformational changes to their business and their customers’ experience.

March 6, 2019


Analysts’ Day: The Experts are Impressed with Cognitive Collaboration

3 min read

Industry analysts validate Cisco's vision of cognitive collaboration, that the enormous power of AI will help us leverage instantly available, accessible data to better communicate and collaborate.

February 27, 2019


Cognitive Collaboration and the Human Element

4 min read

Batman, this would be your Alfred. Look into the future of cognitive callaboration and the true value of artificial intelligence with Cisco's new X factor!

February 12, 2019


Why Cisco partners should be excited for Enterprise Connect

1 min read

I am thrilled to share we will be making announcements across the portfolio in March at Enterprise Connect Orlando.