design thinking

August 15, 2022


Design Thinking and Visual Storytelling: New Trainings for Cisco Partners

4 min read

This post was written together with Andrew Krueger, Business Architecture Global Program Lead. The third stage of Cisco’s Business Architecture (BA) Training was first introduced to partners in 2016. It was later retired to undergo a complete rewrite: the objective was to integrate Cisco’s latest tools and methodologies practiced by Business Architects globally. We have […]

January 30, 2020


Inspired by the Future of Tech

3 min read

Angelo spent time with high school students as part of a Cisco Networking Academy mentoring opportunity in Italy. What he learned from them was inspiring!

April 27, 2018


Design Your APIs with a UX Mindset

4 min read

The key to good UX design is a deep understanding of the user persona that the application is intended for. Simplicity, ease of use, supportability and manageability can be competitive differentiators.

August 31, 2017


Are You a “Design Thinker?” (Clue: It’s Not Just for Designers)

2 min read

Have you heard the term, “Design Thinking?”  Cisco and other forward thinking companies are investing in tools and teams to create Design Thinking frameworks, and spread Design Thinking methods further and faster across their companies. Design Thinking is not just for designers. It’s an approach to problem-solving and innovation that can be employed by any […]

August 30, 2017


Customer-led Innovation: Digital Cybersecurity Feed

6 min read

How Customer feedback is leading Cisco toward developing better experiences.

Unleash the Power of the IoT with Design Thinking

2 min read

After presenting at Smart Industry 2016, we continue to examine how design thinking can drive IoT success.

Driving Serious Digital Disruption, with a Spirit of Fun

3 min read

Not all workdays begin with a convoy of cyclists hailing from India, Saudi Arabia, Europe, and America. And fewer still wind up with creations made of LEGOs, spaghetti, string, and marshmallows. Yet every workday — no matter how challenging — should have the same spirit of diversity, adventure, and assumption-busting repartee that I experienced at […]

March 24, 2014


Vision Alignment in the Digital Age

2 min read

As organizations mature, often they become silo’d into groups with similar charters but without a process to align their efforts. As a member of a team that is responsible for...