remote collaboration
Webex Devices to Help You Thrive From Wherever You Work — Now More Affordable and Widely Available
4 min read
Cisco is striving to provide tools that enable both well-being and productivity. Our purpose-built devices deliver an essential piece of this experience. And now, they are more affordable than ever helping to empower an inclusive future of work for all.
On the Edge of Connected Experiences with Connected Devices
3 min read
The best way to support a hybrid workplace and a truly dispersed workforce - where work is not where you are but what you do is through connected devices and software that deliver connected experiences.
Making Video Fatigue a Thing of the Past – Webex Devices Deliver 10x Better Experiences
5 min read
Webex Devices create a simple user experience that is consistent across devices no matter what device you use and no matter where you work, delivering 10x better experiences than in-person interactions.
Enabling Smart Hybrid Work Experiences – For Everyone, Anywhere
4 min read
Announced at WebexONE, Cisco now has an unprecedented desk line up by introducing three new devices that empower the remote worker and enable a safe return to office.
Three Technology Solutions for Current Small Business Challenges
3 min read
Overcoming small businesses challenges requires owners to adapt on the fly and think on your feet. What can empower that agility in small businesses? Time and time again, the answer has been technology.
Remote collaboration technologies in action
2 min read
Remote collaboration technologies help Cisco and our clients reduce emissions from air travel and commuting. Beyond reducing emissions, these technologies also increase employee productivity, promote work-life balance, and help us build customer relationships.
Welcome to the Future of Collaboration with the Cisco Webex Desk Pro
4 min read
Simply put, the Webex Desk Pro is the most advanced, AI-powered collaboration device designed for the desk and small shared spaces and nothing compares to it on the market.
How can technology improve your NPI process?
5 min read
New product introduction (NPI), is fundamental to manufacturing. NPI is usually associated with marketing, its roots lie in the ideation process and collaboration between engineering and product management teams.
Bairnsdale Regional Health Service: Enhancing Accessibility of Regional Care
1 min read
The practical reality of regional and remote communities in Australia is that they have been consistently disadvantaged in accessing specialist care. Getting access to specialised clinicians, whether it has been for emergence room consultation, acute patient care or post-operative support has often involved delays and inconvenience for both patients and clinicians. This translates to both […]