June 28, 2016


How We Took Cisco’s Talent Brand to Snapchat

4 min read

Snapchat. It’s the new shiny social media platform. It has the most marketing-sought-after age group as it’s primary user base (that would be millennials and Gen Z) and it’s all anyone in social media can talk about. As the social media lead for Cisco’s Talent Brand Team, I know that our team has been talking about it for over a […]

May 24, 2016


A New Look for Cisco Product Documentation

1 min read

Did you know this is the first time that the Books and Chapters have  received an update in over 10 years?  Over 10,000 Books and 150,000 related chapters have been updated with a new, more flexible format.  The new design addresses the top pain points voiced by customers and this was further refined and validated […]

Lead Beyond—Accelerating Legendary Women #CiscoChat

2 min read

The IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference is designed to inspire and engage, women in engineering. In a field that’s overwhelmingly male, it can be difficult as...

April 14, 2016


Stop and think: Have we lost sight of marketing strategy in the digital age?

5 min read

For this blog, I collaborated with two of the UK’s leading experts on marketing strategy: Moira Clark, Professor of Strategic Marketing and Director of the Henley Centre for Customer Management, at Henley Business School, University of Reading and Hugh Wilson, Professor of Strategic Marketing and Director of the Cranfield Customer Management Forum at Cranfield School of […]

April 13, 2016


WEBINAR: How Gamification Can Build Enduring Community Engagement

1 min read

How can gamification help to drive ongoing engagement and participation within your online community? As a follow up to a previous gamification case study and blog post, I’d like to update you on the results.  When you are managing a community, driving ongoing engagement and understanding program health are CRITICAL. How do you motivate, monitor […]

March 10, 2016


Happy Anniversary, #CiscoChat!

1 min read

This month marks the one-year anniversary of our social chat program, #CiscoChat. To date, we’ve had over 2,500 participants to our 35 chats. With a viewership of potentially 144 million impressions, and our hashtag trending nationally several times, we are excited about the level of engagement and attention the program has received. And that forward […]

January 7, 2016


Marketing in the Digital Age: Trends to Watch in 2016

4 min read

Remember 1995? That was the year we put ‘e’ in front of everything to signify that it was being done ‘electronically.’ eBusiness, eCRM, and eProcurement were all the rage. Fast forward to 2016 and we’ve dropped the ‘e’ because doing things electronically has become the norm.  The same will happen with the term ‘Digital’ Marketing. […]

December 14, 2015


The ROI (and Staying Power) of Data Analytics

2 min read

Much has been written about Data Science and Analytics, but at the end of the day, there is a single reason why Data Analytics has staying power, and continues to attract investment across all industries – and that is its compelling ROI. Yes, industries are awash with a lot of Data, but that is no […]

November 17, 2015


Designing a New Home Page: How Hard Could This Be?

10 min read

There’s a myth that home pages no longer matter. Here’s the thinking: Most companies and organizations find their digital traffic is now fragmented by their mobile apps, their social presence, and, of course, among hundreds of lower level “side door” pages that visitors find easily via search engines. Why bother with the home page when people are interacting digitally via all […]

