
April 27, 2016


Challenging the Status Quo at FICO World 2016

1 min read

Digitalization is dramatically changing the world, especially for Financial Services. Having to go inside a branch to schedule a meeting with a finance or mortgage expert is so yesterday. Service, convenience, security and analytics through all channels. During this week in Washington D.C., Cisco is joining the world’s thought leaders and business experts at FICO […]

OSIsoft User Conference Visitors Love Analytics at the Edge

2 min read

This year Cisco sponsored the OSIsoft User Conference in San Francisco. Customers across the manufacturing, energy, and utility industries came to learn about our new fog computing capabilities that let analytics run at the edge of the network. The biggest challenge these customers have is that much of the data in their sensors, engines, machines, […]

April 22, 2016


Power of platforms – IT superheroes’ secret weapon

3 min read

The comic strips of our childhood fascinate us. A once prosperous city falls under the shroud of crime. Enemies of various origins and shapes attack it from all sides. The horizons darken and all seems to be lost. Then magically, the superheroes arrive. Armed with x-ray vision, mighty punches, or ability to freeze the enemies […]

Data is Only Valuable if You Can Quickly Get to It

1 min read

Data continues to explode and is becoming increasingly important to achieve business success.  Companies rely on their data to make them smarter, more productive, and better decision makers. Advances in data management, business intelligence and analytics have improved organizational performance, but with data growing everywhere, it is becoming harder to get to the data and […]

It’s Time to Talk Industry Collaboration, Not Just Data

1 min read

How "collaboration, collaboration, collaboration" leads to better decision making.

Connect Analytics to Data

2 min read

Finding and securing data is difficult in hyper-distributed data environments. How to draw insights and enable action based on the data is even more challenging. But data is not the problem – connected data is the problem.

Why You Should Care About Model-Driven Telemetry

3 min read

Co-written with Frederic Trate, Sr. Marketing Manager Let me start by asking you a couple questions: Does your network grow in size and complexity every year? Are you still largely operating your network manually? Do frequent customer complaints make you wonder if you really know what’s going on in your network? Do you often hear […]

April 13, 2016


Making Manufacturing Sustainable – Starting with Our Supply Chain

2 min read

Imagine being able to see your key business metrics in real-time whether you are on the other side of the plant, other side of the country, or the other side of the world.