
Stacey Faucett

Manager, Sustainability Communications Governance and Compliance

Chief Sustainability Office

Stacey Faucett is a Manager within Cisco's Chief Sustainability Office, focusing on Sustainability Communications Governance and Compliance. Stacey is proud to work for a company that is committed to its purpose to Power an Inclusive Future for All. She enjoys collaborating with other teams across Cisco to develop and amplify stories around environmental sustainability. Originally from Upstate New York, she now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, mom, and cat named Steve.


Meet Savanna Circuit Tech: Grand Prize Winner of the Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge 2020

6 min read

Now that the Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge 2020 winners have been officially announced, you’ll want to learn more about each winning team and the story behind each innovation. We will start with Emmastella Gakuo and Percy Lemtukei, the co-founders of Savanna Circuit Tech, who were awarded the Grand Prize of $100,000 USD.

EforAll: Helping small businesses through entrepreneurship

6 min read

We recently sat down with EforAll's CEO, David Parker, to learn how they are helping entrepreneurs navigate these challenging times, and why it is more important than ever to support small businesses.

AnnieCannons: Creating opportunities for survivors of human trafficking

6 min read

Based in Oakland, California, AnnieCannons is on a mission to help women break the cycle of exploitation by providing skills training, hands-on work experience, income opportunities, and a supportive work environment. We recently sat down with the CEO and co-founder of AnnieCannons, Jessica Hubley, to learn more.

Changing blisters into Cinderella moments with deep tech startup Volumental

4 min read

Co-founder Caroline knew she needed to soak up skills, find a great team, ask for help, and communicate clearly in order to find her Cinderella moment with startup Volumental.

Feeding the World Without Wrecking the Planet

5 min read

Food is fundamental to the human experience and food production has a huge impact on the world’s resources – in fact, 70 percent of the world’s water is used in agriculture. So how do we scale production without wrecking the planet?

Social Impact at Cisco Live US 2020: Powering an Inclusive Future

6 min read

Cisco Live US had its first global digital event on June 16th and 17th. This year's event focused on “possibilities,” and how technology can help to solve the world's problems.

How the Tactical Operations team keeps people connected when they need it the most

3 min read

There are different approaches to helping out during a crisis. One form of aid is providing internet connectivity. Cisco's TacOps team recently worked with a county to help provide WiFi in a temporary homeless shelter.

Building character towards future success

6 min read

It is your skills and character that makes you who you are. You get to decide on which skills you have. But your character … how does that happen?

How a medical social enterprise used 3D printing technology to help during a PPE shortage

2 min read

Vispala is a social enterprise that uses 3D printing technology to produce low-cost prosthetic arms in India. Recently, they made a temporary shift in their manufacturing to provide face shields during a time of need.

Waste management innovation: making the impossible possible

2 min read

People piled trash in streets, causing filth and disease. While people blamed the government, Nivedha knew there was a solution to sort and recycle all waste and clean the streets.

Virtual volunteering: How I spent 18 hours helping families make ends meet

4 min read

There was a need for virtual volunteers to help out with the Santa Clara County COVID-19 Financial Assistance Fund. So a member of Cisco's Corporate Affairs team decided to take action.

Reducing food waste and food insecurity one meal at a time

7 min read

Replate is a nonprofit with a mission to reduce food waste and food insecurity through its food recovery system. Most recently, Cisco and Cisco Foundation donated $1.2 million to help them expand their food recovery services. We sat down with Replate's CEO and founder, Maen Mahfoud, to learn more about Replate’s mission, and its response to business closures.

How a former Global Problem Solver winner is helping to monitor patient vital signs

5 min read

Neopenda is a social enterprise startup that won the Cisco Global Problem Solver Prize at the 2016 Rice Business Plan Competition. Sona Shah, co-founder and CEO of Neopenda, recently shared with us how their device, neoGuard, is being used on neonatal, pediatric, and adult patients to help monitor their health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Creating an ethical framework for AI to protect the customer experience

3 min read

Within five years, AI will have the ability to hyper-personalise the customer experience. Introducing an ethical framework for AI could prove essential for organisations to execute an unbiased CX.

How MIND Research Institute moved quickly to offer free math education to students learning at home

6 min read

ST Math, MIND Research Institute's flagship visual instructional program, is available at no cost to parents. Since it’s visually-based, students who speak all languages can benefit. We sat down with their CEO, Brett Woudenberg, to learn more.

From diagnostics to masks: How a Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge winner is helping front-line health workers

5 min read

OmniVis is a biotechnology company that was a second runner-up in the 2017 Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge. Now, the team behind OmniVis created OmniMask, a 3D-printed mask that was developed to protect front line health workers who don't have access to enough personal protective equipment (PPE).

Cisco Tactical Operations Team: Offering remote support during crises

3 min read

Our disaster response team, Tactical Operations (TacOps), deploys trained team members to restore communications—for free—in the wake of disasters and other events where first responders need support.

How TalkingPoints is helping teachers and parents stay connected to enhance student success and well-being

5 min read

We sat down with Heejae Lim, founder and CEO of TalkingPoints, to learn more about how TalkingPoints is serving as a bridge between teachers and parents right now, as well as serving as a platform that delivers critical information on behalf of schools.

Global problem solving through STEM: What Cisco’s nonprofit partners are doing to support learning at home

3 min read

As school closures impact students, we realize how important it is for them to have access to quality educational content while they learn from home. Cisco's nonprofit partners like Science Buddies, Code.org, Technovation Families, and MIND Research Institute have developed engaging ways to learn STEM subjects remotely.

How a digital data collection tool is helping humanitarians

7 min read

KoBoToolbox is a free, open-source digital data collection and analysis tool for the NGO sector. This tool makes it possible for disaster-relief workers to create surveys and collect data in any language.

How a game is inspiring the next generation of cybersecurity professionals

5 min read

picoCTF is an online computer hacking game that challenges beginners and experts alike to solve real-life cybersecurity problems. Cisco enables picoCTF to gamify hacking and address the skills gap in cybersecurity careers.

How a nonprofit partner supports social enterprises so individuals can gain relevant skills

4 min read

This group addresses the gaps in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, investing in and supporting social enterprises that provide employment opportunities for low-income communities facing isolation, discrimination, lack of job skills, and poor education.

How a nonprofit partner in education uses tech to bring educational content to those without the internet

3 min read

According to the World Economic Forum, more than four billion people lack access to the internet. At the same time, Open Educational Resources (OER) are changing the way people learn by offering free opportunities to anyone with an internet connection.

How non-profits use technology to scale impact

2 min read

This series of blog posts demonstrates how Cisco enables nonprofits to maximize technology for greater scale and impact by telling stories from our three portfolio areas: economic empowerment, education, and critical human needs.

How a nonprofit partner in economic empowerment provides tech training to survivors of human trafficking

5 min read

AnnieCannons is a nonprofit whose mission is to help women break the cycle of exploitation by providing  skills training, hands-on work experience, income opportunities, and a supportive work environment.

How Housing First Provides Hope for the Future

6 min read

Before Joanne Richards was homeless, she was the typical PTA soccer mom. For many, the path to homelessness often starts with a significant unexpected expense. Find out how Destination: Home both creates affordable housing and prevents homelessness using the Housing First model.