waste management

Waste management innovation: making the impossible possible

2 min read

People piled trash in streets, causing filth and disease. While people blamed the government, Nivedha knew there was a solution to sort and recycle all waste and clean the streets.

June 27, 2017


What Happens in Vegas…Will Extend Well Beyond!

3 min read

What Happens in Vegas…Will Extend Well Beyond! Las Vegas is one of the world’s most unusual cities, not only for its unique mix of businesses, visitors and communities, but also for its visionary leadership. Las Vegas is avidly adopting smart technologies that its mayor and her technical advisors are confident will boost the city’s reputation […]

November 23, 2016


Orchestrating Smart City Ecosystems

5 min read

Orchestrating the smart city ecosystem is a combination of art and science that blends company cultures, business models, and objectives into a living, evolving expression of alignment with the goals of city leaders and citizens.