
May 22, 2019


Optimize and Scale IoT Deployments with Rugged Edge Routing

2 min read

Extend Industrial IoT connectivity to the IoT edge with the IR1101 Integrated Services Router Rugged - a flexible, scalable, and secure IIoT routing solution.

February 26, 2019


What does 5G look like for Industrial IoT?

2 min read

The next big thing in wireless is almost here. 5G mobile technology will soon be available, bringing the promise of compelling new uses cases and capabilities to transform IIoT.

February 17, 2019


Cisco Launches New Co-Innovation Center in Singapore

4 min read

The Singapore Co-Innovation Center will catalyze IoT innovations around Singapore’s Digital Economy Framework for Action, building smart nation solutions around transportation and cybersecurity.

December 20, 2018


Enabling MaaS Through a Distributed IoT Data Fabric, Fog Computing and Network Protocols

2 min read

Transport networks in cities and regional centres are under increasing pressure from escalating customer demand. Fuelled by population growth, increasing urbanisation and expanding customer expectations, governments and private sector transport...

December 11, 2018


Towards a Multimodal Transportation Data Framework

1 min read

Digitisation is occurring at a rapid pace across all modes of transportation. Whether this be future disruptive services such as Mobility-as-a-Service or improving road safety through Connected and Automated Vehicles;...

September 27, 2018


Full Steam Ahead for Free Wi-Fi

1 min read

The Italian State Railways Group saw the need for a connected experience for every passenger who entered their railway stations. Cisco Partner Cloud4Wi brought this to life.

May 17, 2018


Taking a Learning Journey to Innovation

3 min read

Where can industry-wide multiparty innovation truly make a difference? Exploring cutting-edge startups with our customers to learn and set the stage for innovation.

April 10, 2018


All Roads Lead to Partner Opportunities in Transportation

3 min read

We know that the transportation industry is going through a digital transformation. Learn more about the Partner opportunity with Cisco transportation solutions.

IoT, Fidget Spinners, and Millions of Steps

2 min read

Cisco Live! It is my favorite Cisco event that is held every year for our customers. Being held in one of the big convention centers in Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay, everyone walked at least 3-5 miles every day between sessions, the show floor, and meetings.