Community pothole pain – Technology is the answer
1 min read
Cisco, TfNSW, Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) and University of New South Wales (UNSW) embarked on a unique trial to use the bus network as sensors to digitise the road surface in real-time to identify areas of concern and requiring proritised maintenance.
Cisco and Transport for NSW: Transforming the future of transportation
2 min read
Cisco has partnered with Transport for New South Wales (NSW) to test how cutting-edge technology—like Cisco’s Internet of Things and Edge Computing solutions—can be used to tackle the most pressing and challenging problems in transportation.
Enabling MaaS Through a Distributed IoT Data Fabric, Fog Computing and Network Protocols
2 min read
Transport networks in cities and regional centres are under increasing pressure from escalating customer demand. Fuelled by population growth, increasing urbanisation and expanding customer expectations, governments and private sector transport...
Towards a Multimodal Transportation Data Framework
1 min read
Digitisation is occurring at a rapid pace across all modes of transportation. Whether this be future disruptive services such as Mobility-as-a-Service or improving road safety through Connected and Automated Vehicles;...
How Digital is Disrupting Transportation – and Economies
1 min read
Transportation is the life blood of any city. An efficient, safe and secure network is critical to support an increasing mobile population. Digital business transformation is a journey towards adopting...