March 17, 2021


Build your bridge from IT to LOB buyers with Portfolio Explorer

2 min read

It takes a village of complementary partners co-selling with Cisco and its partners–such as ISVs, IHVs, developers, advisors, integrators, and managed service providers–to design, build, and manage the solutions our customers need to meet and exceed their outcome objectives.

February 28, 2018


Are You Talking with the Right Buying Center?

2 min read

In the past, Cisco and our resellers have been primarily engaged with IT who owned the budget for buying hardware, software and services. However as technology budgets move outside IT, we have to find these other buying centers and get a seat at the table...

Summary: The Internet of Things: Why Now?

1 min read

An excellent overview of some of the key topics that are top-of-mind for industry executives in both power utilities and oil and gas. Written by Maciej Kranz, Vice President,...

March 26, 2014


Enabling the next wave of hyper-context aware mobile experiences: Cisco Enterprise Mobility Services Platform (EMSP)

2 min read

The profound impact mobile devices has had on IT over the last decade is undeniable. Many can argue is it the largest of the four forces driving the next evolution of IT: Social, Mobility, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC).  It’s hard to imagine the pace of social network evolution without mobile devices. Or the mass migration […]

January 21, 2014


How Aligned Are Business and IT Priorities?

3 min read

Innovation is critical to the success of every organization. According to a recent Cisco survey, 84% of business leaders agree that technology innovation is a critical or very important strategic differentiator for their companies. However, this survey also revealed that technology investments made by business and IT leadership are not always aligned. So how can […]