Energy Management Pays Off for Hammond School District
2 min read
“Cisco Energy Management has given us a great deal of visibility into our energy consumption and usage patterns and has shown us that energy management can be done easily and seamlessly to deliver a significant return on investment in both reducing our carbon footprint and cutting costs.” Mark Hennessee Hammond School District Energy Manager Technology […]
Foggy weather is coming to a place near you with analytics at the edge
3 min read
I caught up with Stewart Young, Global Alliance Manager at OSIsoft LLC, a Cisco partner, to find out more about ‘Edge Computing’, or, as some call it, ‘Fog Computing’. With the huge amount of data coming off Industrial sensors and outlying infrastructure, customers are trying to find more ways to rationalize the data while extracting […]
Cisco Awarded Top International Honor for Energy Management
2 min read
On September 30, 2015, Cisco received the International Corporate Energy Management Award from the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) for our global energy management program and our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally. We are very honored to receive this award and very proud of the work that we have done in setting […]
Tesla Powerwall May Be a Game Changer for PV Energy Production, but Distribution Networking is Vital
5 min read
During Elon Musk’s presentation of Tesla Powerwall, a battery system that lets you store energy to power your home, he shared a slide showing a small area of the Texas panhandle – with a small blue square representing the land area necessary to produce enough solar power to meet the entire electric power needs of […]
#CiscoChat: Coming Out Ahead in Oil and Gas with Digital Technologies
2 min read
The oil and gas industry has been digitized since the 1960s – perhaps longer than any other sector. From digital computers to digital oilfields, the industry has evolved from a monitor and react model, to one of real-time and predictive decision making. Now, change is coming to the industry. Some compare the scale of this […]
Bit Stew shows off Analytics for Utilities with MIx Director at Cisco Live
2 min read
We caught up with Andrew Miller, Sr. Sales Engineer from Bit Stew Systems at Cisco Live this year. Bit Stew is a Cisco partner that focuses on the analytics space with a platform that they call ‘Software Defined Operations for the Industrial Internet’. Their solution works with Cisco IOx on a number of Cisco platforms. The demonstration […]
Thermal Imaging Analysis – easy as PI with OSIsoft at Cisco Live
1 min read
I caught up with Danilo Ribeiro, Strategic Alliance Program Manager from OSIsoft, at Cisco Live recently, and shot a video of the OSIsoft demonstration he was showing. In the video, Danilo talks about Fog Computing and thermal imaging analytics at the edge using the OSIsoft PI System and Cisco IOx. The PI System is used […]
Cisco Secure Ops demonstrated at Cisco Live 2015
1 min read
As I mentioned in my last blog: “Cisco Live Hosts Enhanced Cisco Collaborative Operations Solution Demonstration“, Cisco Live excited many delegates this year, and one of the highlights was indeed the World of Solutions. I talked about how the industrial section of the ‘Cisco Campus’ not only showed off lots of new advances, but, for […]
Event Recap: Cisco at the EEI Annual Convention
3 min read
I had a great time recently at the EEI Annual Convention on June 7-10 in New Orleans, LA. EEI is the Edison Electric Institute, the industry association of the Investor...