cyber security
For Telecom service providers, cyber security is not an add-on
2 min read
A rigorous and holistic approach to cyber security is critical for Telecom, OTT and other IT service providers, because trust is at the heart of their business. Learn more.
Why network security is like a beehive
3 min read
For Telecom and IT service providers, an effective threat protection means thinking about security before, during and after an Attack. We can learn a lot about effective security by looking at the way bees defend their hive against bears.
Good network security means thinking holistically
1 min read
Combating hackers is tough. They’re always out there, searching for new ways to attack. But for effective network security, Telecom service providers can learn something from nature.
NEW: Your Digital Cybersecurity Newsfeed
1 min read
Security news is always changing. Now you can stay up-to-date with your new Cybersecurity Newsfeed. Check it out.
Making Cybersecurity a Part of the Smart City Process
2 min read
Cybersecurity is and will continue to be critical to the success and growth of smart, digital cities with an estimated $29 billion value at stake over the next decade.
Holistic Security Enables SPs to Transform and Embrace the Connected Future NOW
2 min read
Digitization is opening up new opportunities for business expansion. Although these new trends introduce new opportunities to service providers, it also presents new vulnerabilities and risks from hackers and cyber attacks.
Enough is Enough – Change Must Begin Now
4 min read
Beginning last week, many organizations around the globe found themselves responding to infected computers in their environments that were hit with new malicious ransomware called “WannaCry.” Most other organizations reacted quickly to protect their network-critical files from being taken hostage by cyber criminals and held for ransom. And we are now seeing new variants of […]
Lights. Camera. Action… Confidently Embrace IP Transformation with Holistic Security!
3 min read
With digitization comes a wave of cyber criminals, who are constantly attacking infrastructure to steal and distribute video content and personal customer information.
Cyber Security Capture the Flag (CTF) Series Part 2: Developing
4 min read
Tim Harmon is a Cisco Champion, an elite group of technical experts who are passionate about IT and enjoy sharing their knowledge, expertise, and thoughts across the social web and with Cisco. The program has been running for over four years and has earned two industry awards as an industry best practice. Learn more about […]