Holistic Security Enables SPs to Transform and Embrace the Connected Future NOW
2 min read
Digitization is opening up new opportunities for business expansion. Although these new trends introduce new opportunities to service providers, it also presents new vulnerabilities and risks from hackers and cyber attacks.
Pay TV in Asia – Where is the puck going?
5 min read
Fifty countries, 4.5 billion people, a multitude of cultures and economies. And that variation includes the way people watch TV. Learn more about the new era of Pay TV.
Heads Up, One-Way Network Operators: Yes, You Too Can Thrive in the Cloud Video Era!
2 min read
The concept of Cloud Video no longer needs much of explanation. Nor does the benefits service providers can reap from a video cloud – benefits like greater service agility, reach to any screen in and out-of-home, personalization, and controlling costs with its “As a Service” framework. I mean, really. Name any flavor of professionally delivered […]
There’s Never Been a Better Time to Rethink your Video Security Approach
2 min read
After very visible media and video broadcast industry attacks, everyone in the industry is worried about security, and let’s face it, there’s good reason to be. According to Novetta, there is evidence that the Sony hackers have been at work since at least 2009, and they are still at large. Media executives have reported that […]