Cisco Cyber Vision

June 26, 2024


A Foundation for AI and ML: Cisco Intelligent Industrial IoT Network Drives Uptime, Yield, Security, and Revenue

1 min read

As AI took center stage at Cisco Live US, we looked at how intelligent Industrial IoT networks are enabling manufacturers to reduce downtime, increase production throughput and equipment effectiveness, while improving networking operations and reducing their total cost of ownership.

May 30, 2024


E80 Group secures its AGVs with Cisco industrial solutions and Italtel system integration

4 min read

Picture a factory floor. The air hangs heavy, thick with the metallic tang of machinery and the oil that keeps it all turning. Every square foot seems to be utilized. Rows of hulking machines dominate the space. Between them are narrow pathways that workers and machines must navigate. These are the conditions for which E80 […]

February 22, 2024


Securing the power grid: Are you ready for NERC CIP’s upcoming mandate?

3 min read

NERC has proposed a set of new cybersecurity requirements to ensure there is no gap in how power utilities secure their grid operations. Learn what they are and how Cisco can help you implement these new capabilities to drive compliance.