Women Rock IT

Data, Privacy and You: How To Manage Data Privacy and Teach It to Children

3 min read

As a data privacy expert and mother of two, Cisco's Lorena Marciano often gets asked by parents about how they can protect their children's privacy online. Here's what she recommends.

Captaining Shark-Detecting Drones in Australia

4 min read

Drones have many practical oceanic applications including everything from real-time shore alerts when sharks are present to collecting humpback whale exhale condensate -- or snot -- to track whale health.

October 30, 2019


Inspiring Women Leaders in IT

3 min read

It’s time for more women in tech. But it can be challenging for women to make themselves heard in a male-dominated field. Let’s inspire women to choose careers in IT!

How a Research-Driven Approach to Drones Can Help Us Save Lives

4 min read

Drones are changing public safety operations for the better. New emerging drone technologies offer the promise of reducing search times, improving situational awareness, enhancing team safety, reducing costs, and even the potential of delivering medical supplies ahead of rescue teams. But sound research must be utilized to measure the positive impacts in order to make sure drones are utilized appropriately.

Why Empowering Female Designers Can Improve Health Outcomes

4 min read

Cervical cancer, when caught early, can be affordably and effectively treated. But the vast majority of women in the poorest parts of the world have never been screened. The Callascope was designed by women for women to empower them to take care of their own health, without stigma.

The Life Changing Potential of Artificial Intelligence

5 min read

The discourse about AI is too often focused on the negatives. Did you know Australians are already getting essential medicines delivered directly to their doorstep via these amazing machines?

Women Rock-IT: Technology is Helping Crisis-Affected Populations

5 min read

Through the power of technology and partnerships, Mercy Corps is helping crisis-affected populations thrive in a digital world.

Women Rock-IT: Partnering to Create Lasting Impact

2 min read

This post was written by guest blogger and Women Rock-IT speaker Vicki Batka, Managing Director, Cisco Partner Organization, Asia Pacific & Japan.

Fashion Meets the Internet of Things to Keep Women Safe

2 min read

Hear more insights from Aditi and other inspiring women in technology by registering for the April 18th session of Women Rock-IT.