
March 16, 2023


From Grief To Giving Back: Using Time2Give To Support the Underserved LGBTQ Widowed Community

3 min read

When Senior Program Manager Bobby M. lost his husband, he was shocked by the lack of support services for the LGBTQ community. Through Cisco's support and using Time2Give, he's rebuilt a happy life and is helping others do the same.

March 2, 2023


Finding Your Inspiration to Do More

3 min read

Regional Sales Leader Doug H. was inspired to do more with his volunteer time. See how he and Gabby K. are empowering the next generation of women in tech.

December 5, 2022


Rolling Up Our Sleeves: Employee Volunteers Empowered to Give Back

2 min read

Using paid time to volunteer, Cisco employees contribute to organizations locally and globally from building homes to caring for animals.

November 29, 2022


Time2Give: How Cisco Shares and Supports My Values

3 min read

Recruiter Maria knew her volunteer experience in Poland would be meaningful. Here, she recalls how her Time2Give trip was rewarding in even more ways.

November 2, 2022


Employee Volunteers Enrich Communities From the Farm to the Theatre and Beyond

3 min read

Employees use paid time to volunteer in their communities from harvesting at the farm to championing local arts to providing support at a resource fair.

October 6, 2022


Employee Volunteer Program Supports Youth Globally

3 min read

Cisco’s employee volunteer program provides employees with paid time to contribute to their communities including supporting youth locally and globally.

July 8, 2020


Giving Back in over 50,000 Miles and 3 Continents

3 min read

Shawn, one of our Employee Communications Managers, shares how Cisco supports her volunteer work with Women Orthopedic Global Outreach (WOGO).

February 18, 2019


Cisco and Partners – A random act of kindness makes a big impact

1 min read

Giving back and making a tangible commitment to our communities is a part of our culture here at Cisco – and the company backs it up in very real ways.