Oil and Gas

May 11, 2022


Towards Inclusive Language in Code

6 min read

Learn how to start making your code and documentation more inclusive, using Cisco's tools on GitHub.

May 9, 2022


Transform your SD-WAN with IOS-XE

2 min read

The evolution of WAN presents an opportunity for IT teams to look at Cisco’s IOS-XE based SD-WAN. Leveraging our vast deployment experience, Cisco addresses top-of-mind challenges like Multi-Cloud Adoption, an increased Security landscape and the need for advanced Analytics.

May 6, 2022


IKS is now Available on Intersight Private Virtual Appliance (PVA)!

3 min read

The Intersight Private Virtual Appliance (PVA) allows customers to utilize cloud native technologies even with isolated or “air-gapped” requirements.

Workforce Transition in the Energy Industry

3 min read

Trend Overview  Today’s oil & gas industry is experiencing serious challenges attracting the workers they need. The 2022 Global Energy Talent Index identifies that 20% of the workforce is above the age of 55 and 82% of workers would consider leaving oil & gas for another energy industry. So what are oil & gas companies […]

Secure Energy Operations

3 min read

Oil & Gas companies have a very diverse collection of assets for their pipeline, plant, and production operations so asset inventory and visibility is foundational to strong security.

Building Relationships Along the Energy Supply Chain

4 min read

We explore three ways that energy companies engage with their customers, then look at how Cisco technology and services can ensure this experience is optimized on both sides of the transaction.