One Billion Lives

Breaking through barriers: Upwardly Global helps work-authorized immigrants secure meaningful U.S. employment

4 min read

Cisco NGO partner Upwardly Global elevates U.S. immigrants who are searching for quality employment that matches their professional skills and experience. Our latest grant supports AI development to help streamline and improve the job search process.

Cisco NGO partner Simprints to advance ethical, inclusive AI for face recognition biometrics

4 min read

Cisco NGO Partner Simprints plans to expand their biometric technology by developing and open sourcing an ethical and inclusive AI Face ID model, helping millions without formal IDs access healthcare and humanitarian aid.

Empowering women and transforming economies globally through inclusive partnerships

8 min read

Learn more about four of Cisco’s partners - Living Goods, One Acre Fund, Solar Sister, and Trickle Up - who helped us exceed our One Billion Lives Impacted goal by providing people, especially women, with equitable access to the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to support themselves and their families toward long-term independence, resilience, and economic security.

January 22, 2024


Purpose. Partnership. Impact.

5 min read

To achieve our goal to positively impact one billion lives, Cisco forged over 100 global non-profit partnerships aligned with the purpose-driven principles that guide our business, technology, and innovation. We focused on the areas we could have the deepest impact: crisis response, learning and digital skills, and economic empowerment.

December 12, 2023


The Next One Billion Lives

3 min read

Our ability to impact billions of lives lies in our ability to scale. We’re now expanding our areas of focus to impact entire communities through our Social Impact, Networking Academy, and Country Digital Acceleration programs — to address systemic causes of inequity through innovation and create lasting, generational change.