Helping our communities

How a medical social enterprise used 3D printing technology to help during a PPE shortage

2 min read

Vispala is a social enterprise that uses 3D printing technology to produce low-cost prosthetic arms in India. Recently, they made a temporary shift in their manufacturing to provide face shields during a time of need.

Meet the nonprofits helping first responders

3 min read

Cisco has always supported nonprofits working to help first responders. Since March, we’ve provided funding to four strategic nonprofit partners that are working to ensure that first responders have the support they need.

Virtual volunteering: How I spent 18 hours helping families make ends meet

4 min read

There was a need for virtual volunteers to help out with the Santa Clara County COVID-19 Financial Assistance Fund. So a member of Cisco's Corporate Affairs team decided to take action.

Reducing food waste and food insecurity one meal at a time

7 min read

Replate is a nonprofit with a mission to reduce food waste and food insecurity through its food recovery system. Most recently, Cisco and Cisco Foundation donated $1.2 million to help them expand their food recovery services. We sat down with Replate's CEO and founder, Maen Mahfoud, to learn more about Replate’s mission, and its response to business closures.

May 1, 2020


Enabling Virtual Consultations for Doctors in Atlanta

2 min read

A healthcare system in Atlanta, Georgia will be able to serve more patients virtually because of a generous donation by N3, a Cisco US Commercial Small Business sales operation team.

April 28, 2020


The Internet is more critical than ever. Now is the time to close the digital divide.

5 min read

I’ve always believed that universal broadband internet access is a human right – just as important as food, shelter and water – that when fulfilled, enables individuals to help themselves succeed in the information economy. As the COVID-19 pandemic moves us deeper into a digital world, accessing education, establishing and maintaining a livelihood, and obtaining government and other critical services are being forced online.

Impact-First Microloans with Kiva support small businesses during economic downturn

3 min read

In the current economic environment, many small business owners are struggling and yet may not be able to access government support programs. Kiva has launched expanded services to provide zero interest loans to small businesses in need.

April 24, 2020


How San Francisco Suicide Prevention Keeps Essential, Lifesaving Services Running

1 min read

When San Francisco Suicide Prevention volunteers could no longer show up to work to perform their life-saving mission, they needed a solution that would allow them to continue work from home, enabling them to maintain essential services and save lives. So, they turned to a trusted partner, Cisco, for help.

April 20, 2020


Easing the Everyday Challenges of Sheltering in Place

6 min read

Working remotely has become the new normal almost overnight. People once used to meeting in conference rooms are now meeting virtually. Cisco wants to make this new normal easier for everyone and we understand staying connected is key. Here are some ways we are helping in LatAm.