Country Digital Acceleration (CDA)

June 10, 2024


Navigating the Digital Future: Cisco’s Vision for the UK’s Tech-Led Growth

2 min read

In a world where technologies have become the backbone of thriving businesses; efficient public services, and citizen empowerment, the stakes for tech policy have never been higher. Cisco's Ten Tech Priorities to Power the UK’s Future is designed to help policy makers cement the UK’s position as a global tech leader.

January 24, 2024


Empowering Future Generations for a Secure Digital Future

3 min read

Technology permeates every aspect of our lives, so ensuring a secure digital future for future generations has become a key concern. Cisco and HackShield launched a joint effort to train 15,000 Junior Cyber Agents across the globe by recruiting our employees and partners to become “HackShield Cyber Teachers for a Day.”

January 15, 2024


How does technology impact well-being? Cisco and OECD will launch a global study to find out.

3 min read

Cisco announces a partnership with the OECD to study well-being in the digital age. Our joint initiative will examine the complex nature of digital transformation, its role as both a catalyst for progress and a source of potential risk to well-being.

December 4, 2023


Accelerating Your Journey to the 128-bit Universe

3 min read

A lot has been happening this year, and with additional enablement from Cisco’s Country Digital Acceleration Program, Cisco has been busy providing enhanced capabilities and services designed to assist Government customers to develop plans and policies and implement capabilities and architectures on their journey to the 128-bit universe. Learn how.

October 2, 2023


Cisco’s Digital Impact Office powers digital inclusion across the globe

3 min read

Cisco's Digital Impact Office brings together Cisco's Networking Academy and Country Digital Acceleration program to build an inclusive global economy.

August 3, 2023


Building a Stronger, More Secure, More Connected Ukraine Together

3 min read

Cisco is launching the next wave of Country Digital Acceleration program initiatives in Ukraine to help secure the country’s critical infrastructure, promote connectivity, and provide critical workforce development training.