Cisco Partner Summit

October 28, 2020


A Future-Ready Formula for Business Resiliency and Cross-Architecture Success

2 min read

Alex Pujols gives insight to the latest news from Partner Summit Digital and how a future ready mindset allows you to adapt in any scenario.

October 28, 2020


Unboxing The New Cisco Partner Program

3 min read

Marc Surplus unboxes the new Cisco Partner Program and shows you how we're bringing out siloed programs together into a single, cohesive framework structured around the roles you play with your customers, as opposed to how you transact with Cisco.

October 28, 2020


Strengthen customer relationships with Cisco SecureX

3 min read

Cisco Partner Summit may be virtual this year, but it’s a valuable opportunity to discuss solving customers’ security challenges.

October 28, 2020


Cisco Takes a Simple, Secure, and Scalable Approach to SASE

4 min read

The erosion of the network perimeter has changed the way we look at security. SASE is based on cloud-native capabilities that simplify the IT environment while improving security and enabling dynamic scalability.

October 28, 2020


Cisco Secure – Conquering Complexity with Simplified Security

3 min read

We have simplified the names of our security products with new, descriptive monikers. They are now closely aligned with our customers’ security outcomes.

October 28, 2020


Cisco’s Duo Security launches Trust Monitor to simplify access monitoring

2 min read

Cisco’s Duo Security announces general availability of Duo Trust Monitor, enabling organizations to consistently and continuously monitor the level of trust granted to users via machine-learning and analytics.

October 26, 2020


Partner Summit Digital: Learn how Cisco Wireless can help you maximize profits

2 min read

As we head into Cisco Partner Summit Digital, I wanted to give you a sneak peek at the latest and greatest in the wireless world, including tools and resources, news, launches, and offers. Here is an early look at a new product being announced at Cisco Partner Summit Digital: The Cisco Catalyst Wireless Planning & […]

October 26, 2020


Future Ready, Together

1 min read

Get a glimpse into why Oliver Tuszik is so excited about Partner Summit Digital in his latest video!