August 30, 2017


Customer-led Innovation: Digital Cybersecurity Feed

6 min read

How Customer feedback is leading Cisco toward developing better experiences.

August 28, 2017


How the dCloud Mobile App Can Save Time and Your Weekend

1 min read

Cisco dCloud is more accessible than ever thanks to the new mobile app. Now you can demo from anywhere! Never miss a weekend again.

August 16, 2017


#CiscoChat – Six Female #CiscoSE Pay it Forward

3 min read

If you look around, there is a strong push for female recruitment and retention within technology companies. The problem that remains is having a large enough pool of seasoned women for these companies to do their recruiting and retention. We don’t want the door to close before it is fully opened! Learn more about six amazing female Cisco System Engineers who are doing their part to open the door wide, and welcome more women into technology. Then, join us for a Facebook Live #CiscoChat as we talk to them about paying it forward...

August 3, 2017


Live #CiscoChat August 9th -“Unscripted” by Cisco: The Conversation Continues

1 min read

From data to data-driven decisions… What does it take to make the leap? The shift has the power to change the enterprise - and the power is in IT’s hands.

June 21, 2017


#CiscoChat Live: Simplifying Operations in the New Enterprise Network

1 min read

What are some of your biggest operational challenges in networking? Overcoming complexity? Maintaining true visibility into your network? Integrating systems? In this iTalk #CiscoChat, we’ll dive deeper into these topics, and chat about how you can modernize your IT processes to achieve a network maturity level that leads to sustainable, long-term gains. This #CiscoChat will take place on Facebook live via Cisco Enterprise Networks, immediately following a Cisco Live Innovation Showcase talk on the same topic. Ronnie Ray, Sr. Director of Product Management at Cisco will be joining us after his talk to elaborate, answer your questions, and join in the conversation.

June 21, 2017


#CiscoChat Live: Redefining Access and Campus Networks

1 min read

It’s time for a logical, policy-based approach to building and managing networks that allows you to deploy and secure services faster, while adapting quicker to change. In this iTalk #CiscoChat we’ll discuss how to implement this shift in mindset, through purpose-built systems that are design for security, mobility, IOT, and cloud. This #CiscoChat will take place on Facebook live via Cisco Enterprise Networks, immediately following a Cisco Live Innovation Showcase talk on the same topic. Sachin Gupta, VP Product Management at Cisco will be joining us after his talk to elaborate, answer your questions, and join in the conversation.

June 21, 2017


#CiscoChat Live: Transforming the Network with Automation and Analytics

1 min read

In this special iTalk edition of #CiscoChat, we’ll focus on certain key innovations in networking that enable you to take full advantage of the power of your network. This #CiscoChat will take place on Facebook live via Cisco Enterprise Networks, immediately following a Cisco Live Innovation Showcase talk on the same topic. Scott Harrell, SVP Product Management for Cisco will be joining us after his talk to elaborate, answer your questions, and join in the conversation.

June 12, 2017


DevNet Uncensored @Cisco Live! What happens in Vegas Goes on #CiscoChat

2 min read

DevNet Zone Cisco Live US 2017 is nearly here, and we have planned SO much for the DevNet community. Even for those unable to make it to Las Vegas.

New Date: #CiscoChat on June 16 | Develop your Career: Next Gen Digital Skills

3 min read

How do we prepare ourselves to work and thrive in the era of open and programmable digital networks? Join the June 14th #CiscoChat to learn more about Next Gen Digital Skills.

