security platform

May 14, 2020


Cisco Threat Response takes the leap with SecureX

5 min read

Are Threat Response and Cisco SecureX the same thing? Read how SecureX builds on Threat Response’s core aspects to simplify your security for greater efficiency across SecOps, NetOps, and ITOps.

May 12, 2020


The KonMari Method: Sparking Joy with a Tidy Security Closet

4 min read

With so many technologies cluttering your cybersecurity closet, how can you best strengthen your security? Can you get rid of complexity without compromising security? What if, we said yes...find out how SecureX can aid in your cybersecurity tidying!

April 28, 2020


Cisco Integrates Security to Save You Time

4 min read

Cisco SecureX integrates security to eliminate complexity, optimize your security experience, and save you time.

April 27, 2020


Building a security platform powered by advanced analytics

5 min read

The Cisco SecureX platform brings together the best of our broad and integrated security technologies, including security analytics.

April 6, 2020


Security Reimagined – Building a Better Security Practice

2 min read

Our customers are dealing with a variety of issues every day that make  security a real drain. Sadly, they are more vulnerable than ever with the increasing number of people working remotely. Read on to learn more about our security platform Cisco SecureX, and some of the new security offers we have available to help our partners and customers address the increase in remote workers. 

March 31, 2020


Zero chance of tackling zero trust without a platform approach

5 min read

Zero trust has become an important paradigm for adequately securing an enterprise environment. But not all zero trust models are created equal…

February 28, 2020


Security Simplified, Introducing Cisco SecureX

1 min read

On Monday, February 24th, we had an exciting new announcement, the unveiling of our new platform that will redefine security, Cisco SecureX. Read on to learn more about our platform and what it means for you, our partners.

February 26, 2020


A Platform Approach + Precise Analytics = Better Equation

3 min read

Without analytics, security professionals would be even more overwhelmed than they are today. Cisco is helping you take back control of your environment through our new security platform, Cisco SecureX.

February 24, 2020


Introducing SecureX

3 min read

Announcing Cisco SecureX - our open, cloud-native platform that connects Cisco's integrated security portfolio and customers' security portfolios for a simpler, more consistent experience across endpoints, cloud, network, and applications.