business strategy

August 10, 2020


Accelerate Business Resiliency with a Custom Strategy and Roadmap

3 min read

The CX offer for Business Resiliency Strategy and Roadmap accelerates adoption and speeds business resiliency while creating a safer workspace, addressing health-related requirements, and mitigating risk by leveraging experts and best practices.

Analytics and the Universal Pursuit of Insight

2 min read

What makes space so amazing? Every time human kind takes a deeper look, we find something that we didn’t know was there before. The same concept applies to analytics. Gathering deeper insight into any data set through automation allows you to make better and quicker decisions, expose gaps, and identify areas for cost reduction or investment. Let’s explore how you can maximize and quantify value from your investments in analytics.

February 24, 2016


How Retailers Can Chart a Path to Digital Value

2 min read

Digital disruption is here. According to a 2015 survey from the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation (DBT Center), a joint initiative of Cisco and the Institute of Management Development (IMD), 47 percent of retail executives say digital disruption increases the risk of going out of business. In addition, the survey revealed that four of […]