
November 2, 2017


Creating Smarter, Safer, More Inclusive Workplaces: Are You In?

2 min read

Analytics can democratize knowledge and drive new insights—so that every worker becomes a knowledge worker. It can help keep workers safe, and make workplaces more inclusive.

October 23, 2017


Why Informed Decisions with Analytics are Key to Sporting and Business Success

3 min read

In sports, coaches painstakingly monitor professional athletes to insure top performance. Cisco Business Critical Services performs the same way for organizations, providing unparalleled results.

October 18, 2017


Accelerating Productivity and Profitability with the Power of Services

2 min read

What if you could reduce your network downtime AND increase IT efficiency? What would you do with your newfound time? Read how Business Critical Services can help pursue new opportunities.

October 5, 2017


Cisco Intersight – Analysts and Partners Respond

2 min read

Cisco Intersight is a transformative cloud-based management platform. It delivers new levels of simplicity and actionable intelligence to achieve significant customer benefits. Industry analysts and partners affirm Cisco’s strategy. Embracing...

September 22, 2017


Cisco and Splunk Demonstrate the Power of Integration

1 min read

You already know that insights from data are the foundation for digital business. Much of this data comes directly from your data center, network and security infrastructures. But let’s face it, using custom-built or disparate tools to analyze each system is challenging at best. This is where Cisco and Splunk can help. Cisco and Splunk […]

September 20, 2017


Cisco at Strata Data Conference

1 min read

As we move further into the digital transformation era, the amount of data being created and things being connected continues to explode. This explosion in connections and data combined with applied analytics has the potential to transform our cities, healthcare, transportation, manufacturing and energy industries. The Strata Data Conference is one of the world’s most influential […]

September 19, 2017


Top 10 Considerations for SAP Big Data and Analytics

3 min read

It’s that time again: SAP TechEd in Las Vegas!  Local temperatures have cooled to a balmy 150 degrees outside the convention center and 10 degrees inside, reminding us that SAP Data Center refresh season is once again upon us. This year at TechEd, Cisco will focus on securing critical SAP data and systems, and leveraging […]

September 16, 2017


Looking for the most refined weapon to combat piracy? Use data

4 min read

Password sharing for TV streaming apps is a common and challenging phenomenon. Using data science and machine learning, we can detect and categorize account sharing behavior, enabling effective response.