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March 11, 2024


Dashify: Solving Data Wrangling for Dashboards

8 min read

See how Dashify, the Cisco Observability Platform dashboarding framework, helps you build data-driven user interfaces that are designed to be viewed, edited, and even created by end users looking to share dashboards with their teams, and product-engineers of COP solutions like Cisco Cloud Observability.

March 7, 2024


Avoiding Shift Left Exhaustion – Part 1

5 min read

"Shift left" is a potentially game-changing approach to software development that is transforming the way developers work, and ushering in a new era of software development... Or is it?!

March 6, 2024


Using the Power of Artificial Intelligence to Augment Network Automation

8 min read

The integration of artificial intelligence into network operations has opened up unprecedented levels of efficiency, predictive analysis, and decision-making capabilities. Get a glimpse into the future of network operation, with practical knowledge on harnessing the power of AI to augment network automation.

March 5, 2024


Cloud Security API Updates Improve User’s Experience

1 min read

See how developers can utilize the Investigate API to enhance the data in their Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems, threat intelligence platforms, or incident management workflows.

March 4, 2024


Data Processing in Cisco Observability Platform – A Step-by-Step Guide

8 min read

Cisco Observability Platform is designed to ingest and process vast amounts of MELT (Metrics, Events, Logs and Traces) data. It is built on top of open standards like OpenTelemetry to ensure interoperability. See how its provision of extensions let you tailor every facet of its functionality to your unique needs.

February 28, 2024


Wireless and the CiscoLive Network Operations Center

3 min read

See how we transformed an empty conference venue into the showcase we intend, while also extracting the embedded telemetry and instrumentation in our products through using open source and ‘made to spec’ programs.

February 27, 2024


Where Is DevNet Going Over the Next 10 Years, and Beyond?

3 min read

For 10 years DevNet has been helping developers address technical issues such as hybrid application deployment, virtual networking, container orchestration, and security. Now we'll be there as you tackle observability, AI, and sustainability challenges.

February 26, 2024


DevNet Sandbox Has a New Look & Feel

2 min read

The ground up upgrade takes a model driven approach, with predefined components expressed in YAML. These can be mixed and matched to build a sandbox, so upgrades are available sooner to sandbox users.

February 22, 2024


Identify Weak Links in Your Application Stack – Part 2, Anomaly Detection

2 min read

How can you learn what’s normal, and flag when abnormal behavior of an application is detected? This blog gets you started with how to configure anomaly detection and associate actions when violations are detected.

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