
Oleksii Borysenko

Developer Advocate


Oleksii Borysenko is a DevNet developer advocate at Cisco, where Oleksii is responsible for Security and AI. Before this, he coordinates and develops DevNet in Ukraine, the CIS region, and Eastern Europe, creates applications and educational programs for the IT community, and promotes DevNet and programmability for local markets (customers, partners, etc.). Sphere of interests Oleksii is Security, AI, Network Programmability, Collaboration, IoT, Data Science, and education technologies.

Oleksii does some research in the IT sphere, one of the last is "Teamwork methods for programming studies. Current requirements of IT market".

Oleksii hobby is a triathlon.


June 20, 2024


Cisco API Documentations Is Now Adapted for Gen AI Technologies

2 min read

GenAI users need valid data for their prompts or Vector Databases. See how model output can be more accurate when OpenAPI documents are used as a part of a prompt.

May 30, 2024


Make Your Buildings Smarter with Cisco Spaces Cloud

1 min read

See how Cisco Spaces lets your existing network infrastructure become a sensor that allows you to extract network data to make your buildings smarter.

June 6, 2024


Cisco AI Assistant for Managing Firewall Policies

1 min read

See how administrators can use AI Assistant to effortlessly manage firewall devices, configure policies, and access reference materials whenever required, streamlining their workflow and boosting overall efficiency.

April 22, 2024


New Cisco Defense Orchestrator (CDO) API

1 min read

Cisco Defense Orchestrator (CDO) provides a powerful REST API to automate and simplify security management tasks. Learn how to get started, and about integrations with Ansible and Terraform.

April 17, 2024


How To Get Started Using LLMs in IT and Network Engineering

3 min read

LLMs can be thought of as the engine of Generative AI. See four use cases for using LLMs in applications specific to IT and network engineering.

March 15, 2024


Simplify DNS Policy Management With New Umbrella Tagging APIs

2 min read

See how you can speed up DNS policy creation and management for roaming computers, for deployments ranging up to thousands of roaming computers.

March 5, 2024


Cloud Security API Updates Improve User’s Experience

1 min read

See how developers can utilize the Investigate API to enhance the data in their Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems, threat intelligence platforms, or incident management workflows.

October 4, 2023


NSO Playground, A New Environment Available on Cisco Code Exchange

1 min read

When it comes to code development, setting up environments to test and share with others can be a hassle. Now, the new NSO Playground on Code Exchange simplifies your network automation journey with Cisco Network Services Orchestrator (NSO).

July 5, 2023


Generative AI: State of Play, Part 2

3 min read

In part 2 of the series, we talk more about Generative AI content rights, the fight for attention, and image generation.