
Matt DeNapoli

Developer Advocate - Meraki & CMX

Developer Experience

I started my illustrious Cisco career in 2007 as a wireless support engineer. Over the course of the first 6 years, I worked in many capacities for the Cisco Developer Network, the precursor to today’s DevNet program. Then, in 2013 I helped with the implementation of the DevNet program, acting as systems analyst, a metrics guru, a coder, a teacher, a systems engineer, and a developer evangelist…sometimes all at the same time! I'm proud to represent the DevNet program and inspire current and future developers.


June 13, 2024


Top Takeaways from the Cisco Live 2024 DevNet Zone: AI, Programmability, and More

5 min read

See how Cisco DevNet provides the resources and community automation engineers need to leveraging AI when building smarter, more efficient solutions.

February 27, 2024


Where Is DevNet Going Over the Next 10 Years, and Beyond?

3 min read

For 10 years DevNet has been helping developers address technical issues such as hybrid application deployment, virtual networking, container orchestration, and security. Now we'll be there as you tackle observability, AI, and sustainability challenges.

August 23, 2023


DevNet Celebrates 10 Years

5 min read

As DevNet turns 10, we're excited about DevNet’s next chapter. But, it’s always fun to look back and see where we’ve come from.

April 4, 2023


From Silos to Synergy: Bridging the Gap Between App Development and IT Ops

5 min read

Explore how full stack observability brings visibility, insights, and actions together for teams across multiple domains. See why it’s a top priority for IT teams.

April 28, 2022


YANG Suite updates and new features: A sneak peek

3 min read

Have you tried out Cisco YANG Suite yet? YANG Suite provides network operators with a set of tools and plugins to interact with and test YANG programmable interfaces including NETCONF, RESTCONF, gNMI, and more. In Episode 58 of DevNet Snack Minute, Jeremy Cohoe (Technical Marketing Engineer with Cisco Systems) provides us with an overview of […]

March 27, 2022


Increase the Performance and Security of Your Network

2 min read

Learn how Cisco's Service Mesh Manager — an add-on to Cisco Intersight — improves observability of component traffic and health for container-based applications that need to scale.

November 22, 2021


Get to Know 5G – Part 1

5 min read

See how 5G will play an important role in providing the capacity, security, and reliability required for many enterprise use cases. Learn about the main benefits and use cases for 5G with a focus on advanced IoT capabilities.

June 28, 2021


New Video Discusses Cloud Trends and App-First Infrastructure

1 min read

Watch Vijoy Pandey, Cisco Vice President of Engineering for Emerging Technology and Incubation, share his view of trends related to developers, cloud strategy, and application-first infrastructure.