The Last Dance
1 min read
I have written many blogs over the years but never have I had so much trouble finding the right words as with this post. All kinds of thoughts are rushing through my head at a million miles per hour and I can’t seem to hold on to any of them. Then I take a deep […]
A Sneak Peek into Our New Social Media Training Center
2 min read
A Short Trip Down Memory Lane… On the quest of becoming a truly social-minded culture, about a year and a half ago, we rolled up our sleeves and created a multi-level, multi-track social media training program that used game principles and integrated with our Education Management System to encourage and reward participation. We augmented our […]
What Advocacy and My Yoga Pants Have in Common
3 min read
I have been getting a lot of questions about advocacy so I want to take a few minutes to share my thoughts. I often hear people use the terms “influencers” and “advocates” interchangeably. While there are similarities between these two groups, in my opinion they’re not necessarily one and the same. You may have a […]
A Chapter from My Unwritten Book: Social Media Planning (Part 2)
1 min read
Last week, I shared basic enablement, intelligence, engagement and measurement practices. This week’s presentation focuses on some advanced practices in the areas of intelligence, engagement, advocacy and measurement. By no means is this list complete so please feel free to add your two cents in the Comment box below. The more we share, the more we can influence how […]
A Chapter from My Unwritten Book: Social Media Planning (Part 1)
1 min read
For quite some time now, I’ve been thinking about writing a book. A book about social media. A book about what I’ve seen and learned. A book about things I would like to see. A book about strategy – I love strategy. I’ve started writing it several times. But every time I sit down at my keyboard, doubts […]
The Role of Executives in Employee Engagement: Crossing Your T’s and Dotting Your I’s
3 min read
In our #ciscosmt Twitter chat yesterday, we talked about how to engage employees in social media. On a very high level, I presented the pillars of our program: identify, activate, recognize and measure. And previously, I blogged about a potential framework you can use for your own Social Ambassador program (that’s what we call our […]
Cisco Social Media Playbook: Turn Up the Heat And Get S.O.C.I.A.L.
1 min read
When I’m learning a new subject, amongst many things I often find myself following 5 steps: Developing familiarity with the topic and its main concepts on a high level Breaking down the topic into smaller chunks that are easier to understand Finding supporting points and connections that help bring the whole story together Creating acronyms, […]
Social Media Mini Stories from Around Cisco #SocialSavvy #CiscoSMT
1 min read
Thanks to everyone who attended the Social Media for Savvy Marketers conference last week – in person or virtually. We received some questions about the slides that were displayed in the Social Media Training simulation area. The examples shown in the rotation were mini stories from around Cisco, ranging from integrating social media into the […]
3 Practical Tips for the Social Media for Savvy Marketers Event at Cisco #CiscoSMT #SocialSavvy
1 min read
We’re counting down the days until the Social Media for Savvy Marketers event on April 18 and 19 at the Cisco Headquarters in San Jose and online. As I’m writing this post, we’re doing audio and visual checks and working out the final details. Personally, I’m super excited about Cisco hosting this event for the […]
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