
November 24, 2015


Telemetry & Gaining Web Scale Operational Efficiency – Is it a Myth or Reality?

2 min read

We can’t express how excited we were when Cisco was asked to sponsor and participate in an independent event, hosted by Tech Field Day, which invited experts from NetFlix, Google, eBay, and SignalFX to discuss the technical challenges some of these web scale providers face and the innovations they have helped drive in the industry […]

November 19, 2015


Software Innovations for Cloud Scale Networking

4 min read

Back in 2011, web pioneer Marc Andreessen wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, entitled “Why software is eating the world”. I couldn’t agree more! First, let’s have a look at what’s going on in the industry at large. Every company in every vertical industry is facing unprecedented competitive pressure from new players making […]

December 9, 2013


Big Data in Security – Part I: TRAC Tools

9 min read

Recently I had an opportunity to sit down with the talented data scientists from Cisco’s Threat Research, Analysis, and Communications (TRAC) team to discuss Big Data security challenges, tools and methodologies. The following is part one of five in this series where Jisheng Wang, John Conley, and Preetham Raghunanda share how TRAC is tackling Big Data. Given the hype surrounding […]