The Newest Cisconian – My Daughter!
2 min read
Product Manager, Tal shares his story on how his daughter, Dana joined Cisco.
Cisco 2015 Annual Security Report: Java on the Decline as Attack Vector
2 min read
As recently as 2013, vulnerabilities involving Java appeared to be a favored tool of adversaries: Java was easy to exploit and, and exploits involving the programming language were difficult to detect. However, as reported in the Cisco 2015 Annual Security Report, Java is losing its front-runner position as a favored tool of bad actors looking […]
Angling for Silverlight Exploits
6 min read
This post is co-authored by Andrew Tsonchev, Jaeson Schultz, Alex Chiu, Seth Hanford, Craig Williams, Steven Poulson, and Joel Esler. Special thanks to co-author Brandon Stultz for the exploit reverse engineering. Silverlight exploits are the drive-by flavor of the month. Exploit Kit (EK) owners are adding Silverlight to their update releases, and since April 23rd we have […]
Java Bindings for Open MPI
1 min read
Today’s guest blog post is from Oscar Vega-Gisbert and Dr. Jose Roman from the Department of Information Systems and Computing at the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. We provide an overview of how to use the Java bindings included in Open MPI. The aim is to expose MPI functionality to Java programmers with minimal performance […]
Summary: Cisco is bringing together networking and programming
1 min read
With the announcements on NX-OS APIs, Application Centric infrastructure APIs, python scripting support, SDN, open source projects OpenStack, OpenDaylight, and Puppet, I have opened an account at
Fiesta Exploit Pack is No Party for Drive-By Victims
5 min read
This post was also authored by Andrew Tsonchev and Steven Poulson. Update 2014-05-26: Thank you to Fox-IT for providing the Fiesta logo image. We updated the caption to accurately reflect image attribution. Cisco’s Cloud Web Security (CWS) service provides TRAC researchers with a constant fire hose of malicious insight and now that we are collaborating with Sourcefire’s Vulnerability Research […]
Cisco is bringing together networking and programming
1 min read
Well Cisco has done it. I have worked in IT since 1995 and never learned programming. Sure, I can do a little HTML, and years ago, I learned just enough...
Big Data in Security – Part I: TRAC Tools
9 min read
Recently I had an opportunity to sit down with the talented data scientists from Cisco’s Threat Research, Analysis, and Communications (TRAC) team to discuss Big Data security challenges, tools and methodologies. The following is part one of five in this series where Jisheng Wang, John Conley, and Preetham Raghunanda share how TRAC is tackling Big Data. Given the hype surrounding […]
Why I Chose the Open Source Model I did for OpenDaylight
4 min read
Now that OpenDaylight has arrived, it’s time to explain why I made the Open Source choices eventually embraced by its Founders and the community at large. One doesn’t often see such leaders as Cisco, IBM, Intel, HP, Juniper, RedHat, VMWare, NEC, Microsoft and others agree, share and collaborate on such key technologies, let alone the latter engaging in a […]