How to Deploy a UCS Manager Environment with Far Less Python Code
9 min read
Learn how to use the UCS Python SDK to write less Python code, and still do everything with respect to the UCS Object Model
Software Innovations for Cloud Scale Networking
4 min read
Back in 2011, web pioneer Marc Andreessen wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, entitled “Why software is eating the world”. I couldn’t agree more! First, let’s have a look at what’s going on in the industry at large. Every company in every vertical industry is facing unprecedented competitive pressure from new players making […]
Open NX-OS featured on TechWiseTV
4 min read
NX-OS is now more modular, more open, more capable of third party integration providing a wide variety of programmability choices ideal for Dev-Ops environments. C'mon Network Engineers. Time to brush up on your Linux...maybe a little Python...