Two Things You Need to Get Right in a 5G Strategy
4 min read
Many believe 5G will be a catalyst to change economies, countries, and life as we know it. Physical industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, and transportation will digitize and transform unlike anything ever before. Some say it will bring about our next industrial revolution. It’s that big.
Five Industries for Monetizing your 5G Investment
3 min read
Calling all Service Providers and Enterprises – read on to reach your 5G potential. This is the kick-off blog for a series of five industry use cases for monetizing your 5G investment.
Digital Transformation is the Key to Monetization
2 min read
By Rajesh Ghai, Research Director, Carrier Network Infrastructure, IDC Faced with the triple challenges of commoditization, competition from new and old...
The Three Phases of Cisco’s Software Monetization Journey
3 min read
Cisco is on a multi-year journey to transform the way we monetize software. Many people have asked me for my perspective on how our approach has evolved over time and where we’re headed.
Observations from Mobile World Congress 2016
6 min read
I have just returned from a very interesting and jammed-packed week at Mobile World Congress 2016 in Barcelona. For the first time ever, over 100,000 people and 2,200...
There’s Money to be Made in the Smart Home
3 min read
The race for the smart home is off and running. Almost every global tech brand, from Apple to Amazon to Google and Samsung, to smaller entrants like Canary, August and tado, want to firmly establish themselves in the home. Why? They see the home as the next big thing to go digital. The market for […]
Leading the Evolution of the Mobile Packet Core
2 min read
I was reading the latest ACG Research report on Mobile IP Infrastructure and reflecting how the importance of the IP Packet Core has evolved, and how the technology leaders in this area have also evolved. Back in the “3G era” the Packet Core sat alongside the Voice Core, and was considered an adjunct to the […]
Point of View: Optimisation, Monetisation and Customer Privacy
2 min read
Guest blog from Paul Jesemann, Cisco Solution Consultant, Mobile Architecture, APJ In June, a mobile operator in India was accused of spying on its customers by inserting a javascript in browsing sessions on its 3G network. The service provider admitted it was using a solution to help customers keep track of data usage, yet in […]
Trading Mobile Dollars for IoT Pennies
3 min read
Jeff Zucker of NBC Universal coined the prescient expression “Trading analogue dollars for digital pennies” in 2008 to describe the huge gap that he was observing between the lucrative promises of online and digital advertising and the reality of the meager revenues that it was in fact producing. Could the same be true of the […]