
Stuart Taylor


Service Provider Transformation Group

Stuart Taylor is a Managing Director in the Service Provider Transformation Group. He leads client business consulting engagements with Cisco’s major U.S. and international service provider customers, with a particular focus on mobility. The team is responsible for helping customers to improve profitability through launching new services for top-line growth, improving go-to-market approaches, and delivering operational efficiencies. Stuart has close to 20 years of extensive industry experience with particular expertise in the areas of Mobile, Wi-Fi and Small Cells, Connected Life, Cloud Services and new Digital Media services. He frequently publishes and presents on these topics at leading international industry events and is widely quoted in the media.


Observations from Mobile World Congress 2016

6 min read

I have just returned from a very interesting and jammed-packed week at Mobile World Congress 2016 in Barcelona. For the first time ever, over 100,000 people and 2,200...

January 19, 2016


How Service Providers Can Help Businesses to Realize the Promise of the IoT Revolution

2 min read

We are embarking on a new technological journey that will fundamentally change forever the economy, society and the way that we live. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a world where up to 50 billion things (or devices) will be connected to the Internet by 2020; or, the equivalent of 6 devices for every person […]

Looking Back at 2015 – A Tipping Point for the Internet of Things

4 min read

2015 will be remembered as the year of the Internet of things. The tipping point when IoT went from the back rooms of the technology world to become mainstream. The consultancy McKinsey estimates that the Internet of Things – a world where up to 50 billion things (or devices) will be connected to the Internet […]

Trading Mobile Dollars for IoT Pennies

3 min read

Jeff Zucker of NBC Universal coined the prescient expression “Trading analogue dollars for digital pennies” in 2008 to describe the huge gap that he was observing between the lucrative promises of online and digital advertising and the reality of the meager revenues that it was in fact producing.  Could the same be true of the […]

Observations from Mobile World Congress 2015

6 min read

I have just returned from a very interesting and jammed-packed week at Mobile World Congress 2015 in Barcelona. A record 93,000 plus people are estimated to have attended...

February 25, 2015


The Mobile Paradox – Why Are There Price Wars in a Time of Plenty?

4 min read

One of the first lessons that every economics student is taught is “supply and demand” – the fundamental economic principle that price goes up with increased demand. Yet we are...

December 2, 2014


How Service Providers Can Become Leaders in the Internet of Everything

3 min read

Over 50 billion “things” or devices are projected to be connected to the Internet through wired and wireless networks, generating zettabytes of data, all powered by cloud computing. This Internet of Everything (IoE) will fundamentally transform businesses, generate enormous economic wealth and create immeasurable social value. Cisco is discovering that successful IoE implementations require a solid […]

September 30, 2014


New Smart City Opportunities for Service Providers

2 min read

Tremendous new opportunities are being created for technology vendors and service providers as cities around the world look to build out smart cities to reduce municipal costs, tap new sources of revenue, and improve the overall quality of urban life. The previous blog (Smart Cities Are a $7.5 Billion Annual Opportunity for Technology Providers) described […]

September 15, 2014


Smart Cities Are a $7.5 Billion Annual Opportunity for Technology Providers

2 min read

Cities around the globe are beginning to build out new digital services such as smart lighting, traffic, waste management and data analytics to reduce costs, tap new sources of revenue, create new innovation business districts and improve the overall quality of urban life. The previous blog (“How to Make Money from Smart Cities”) identified the […]