Cisco WAAS

June 2, 2016


Cisco Recognized as A Leader in Gartner WAN OP MQ, 2nd Year in a Row

2 min read

More evidence that Cisco’s Digital Network Architecture solutions are providing an open, software-driven and service-centric network to accelerate digital transformation initiatives.

September 16, 2014


ITD: Load Balancing, Traffic Steering & Clustering using Nexus 5k/6k/7k

2 min read

Data traffic has grown dramatically in the recent years, leading to increased deployment of network service appliances and servers in enterprise, data center, and cloud environments. To address the corresponding business needs, network switch and router architecture has evolved to support multi-terabit capacity. However, service appliance and server capacity remained limited to a few gigabits, […]

September 9, 2014


Scaling Application Security with ITD

4 min read

Ready to scale your enterprise beyond limits?  How about slashing a whole layer of datacenter infrastructure, saving piles of cash in the process?  Or perhaps you’re interested in simplifying your enterprise while adding features, or trying to speed things up without spending money.  Sound too good to be true?  Well, thanks to a new technology […]

August 13, 2014


IWAN Wed: Three reasons why you should consider Cisco WAAS

2 min read

There are a billion reasons (okay, I may be exaggerating but you get my point) why you should choose Cisco WAAS as THE WAN optimization solution for your company.  But today, I want to emphasize the following three: #1. Not your ordinary WAN optimization With Cisco WAAS, you’re not just getting WAN optimization but much […]

March 3, 2014


Delivering Application Optimization for Office 365

3 min read

We in IT are faced with many challenges from our end users.  From IT costs to application performance, while always keeping an eye on our network security posture.  This reminds me of a sign on the wall of my auto mechanic’s shop: Good, Fast, Low-cost. I was always told I am allowed to pick only […]

February 14, 2014


Data Center Replication: WAN Optimization vs. Bandwidth Upgrade

3 min read

During the past years WAN optimization devices were used to optimize end-user traffic mainly. Employers connecting to remote applications can achieve better user experience if a couple of WAN optimization are deployed. Typically web applications, file sharing and email can be well accelerated: end users can increase their productivity with a little investment. On the […]