Cisco Secure Workload

January 4, 2021


The Darkness and the Light

7 min read

Reduce your business risk by securing your workloads. Be vigilant in monitoring and revisiting the basics often. By questioning everything, and focusing on the basics, you will achieve better security.

December 7, 2020


Protecting Workloads Across Any Cloud and Application…Anywhere!

2 min read

See how to automate and implement a secure, zero-trust model for micro-segmentation based on application behavior and telemetry using Cisco Secure Workload (formerly known as Tetration).

November 17, 2020


Zero Trust for Workloads: Knowledge is Key

2 min read

Security controls must be driven down to the application workload level to be effective. Learn a comprehensive zero trust method to accomplish that.

November 12, 2020


3 Must-dos to Secure Your Applications

1 min read

Three ways you can start securing your applications now: Secure workloads with Cisco Secure Workload, secure access with Cisco's Duo Beyond, and monitor the performance of apps with Cisco AppDynamics.

November 10, 2020


Cisco Secure Workload (Tetration) expands microsegmentation and workload security capabilities

2 min read

Available now: new Cisco Tetration micro-segmentation and workload protection features to achieve the protection required for today's heterogeneous multicloud environments.

November 2, 2020


Securing Applications and Infrastructure Beyond the Data Center

3 min read

Applications and infrastructure have become highly dynamic and distributed. While this gives IT professionals, DevOps specialists and business teams tremendous flexibility and agility, it also expands an organization’s attack surface. Learn how Cisco customers are securing every layer of the network.

September 25, 2020


Why Are Applications Difficult to Secure?

2 min read

You keep hearing that applications are difficult to secure - but why? Take a deep dive into the world of application development.

July 23, 2020


Cisco Secure Cloud Architecture for Azure

3 min read

Cisco Secure Cloud Architecture for Azure defines security controls to protect workloads & applications deployed in Azure. It combines Azure security controls with Cisco Security controls to provide unmatched security.

July 1, 2020


Application-Based Micro-Segmentation, Reimagined for the Hybrid Cloud World

2 min read

Leading analyst at Omdia Research writes a whitepaper on how Cisco Tetration can secure all of the hybrid cloud journey