Cisco Media Blueprint
Accelerate Ideas to Audience
2 min read
The IBC conference is here again, and it’s a good time to examine the changes in the media industry. Although nothing drastic has changed, there is just more--much more of the changes that started a few years ago.
Cisco Showcases Media Blueprint at IBC Amsterdam
2 min read
For media content creators and broadcasters, speed from content creation to delivery is a business imperative.
A More Efficient Media Operation Starts Where? If You Said “In the Cloud,” Take the Rest of the Day Off!
2 min read
And now this, from the Department of the Obvious: The media and entertainment industry is transitioning.
Unleash a more dynamic network – IP Fabric for Media
2 min read
In my previous post, I noted the hastening of the ‘content cadence’, in terms of the volume and speed at which new TV shows and films are vying for our individual and collective attention.
Shoot, Share, Edit, Retake, Perfect – On Set, in Real Time
2 min read
Maybe this is happening to you: You’re talking with a friend, and learn of yet another new TV show, from yet another online media source, that sounds really interesting –...
Cisco @IBC 2018: “Dailies” to “Hourlies;” Venues to Studios: How Our Media Blueprint is Reaching into Film and S …
3 min read
The Cisco Media Blueprint is spanning the infrastructure and software components to help our media partners power new ways to create, manage and distribute digital content.
Cisco @NAB 2018: Driving Operational Excellence by Industrializing the Media Ecosystem
3 min read
The run-up to the 2018 National Association of Broadcasters Show is once again upon us, which means it’s time to preview what we’ll be focused on.
Champions keep playing until they get it right – Security & Content Protection
3 min read
Should you pay hackers during a ransomware attack or just disconnect from the network and ignore the threat?