APWhy? Why a Product Without an API is Not a Product At All
3 min read
APIs are an innovation driver for the engineering teams using them, and a revenue driver for the companies providing them.
Diving Deeper into Wi-Fi 6!
2 min read
The Cisco RF ASIC will provide improved Wi-Fi 6 user experiences, additional analytics into what is happening in your environment, and programmable features.
Interview with DevNet Creator – Joel W. King
4 min read
This blog is an interview with Joel W. King, Principal Architect at World Wide Technology, a Cisco Gold Certified Partner and Learning Partner. Learn how Joel became a #DevNetCreator!
Meet The Developer in the DevNet Zone at Cisco Live!
2 min read
Meet the Developer is your opportunity to schedule a 20 minute face-to-face session with a DevNet subject-matter expert. Our DevNet experts have set aside time to discuss anything developer-related you want. You can drive the conversation or let the expert feed you with knowledge. Or, maybe a little bit of both. #DevNet #CLUS
Cisco NX-OS and Puppet: Agentless Data Center Automation
2 min read
Enterprise IT departments (and Lines of Business) are under immense pressure to bring applications faster to market. To remain competitive, many businesses have either already adapted, or are on the road to adapting agile practices like DevOps so they can innovate faster and deliver time to value.
NetDevOps Live! Season 2 Shines a Spotlight on Network Automation
3 min read
NetDevOps Live! is back for another season with a look at network automation from start to finish. Preview our program beginning in April and culminating at Cisco Live in June.
Data Center Compute Sessions at Cisco Live Melbourne
2 min read
"I talk about Programming and Automating Cisco Compute, I have been talking about Cisco Compute for 10+ years, I will continue to talk about Cisco Compute (as long as someone wants me to)." John McDonough at Cisco Live Melbourne, #DevNet
Cisco Live Melbourne and the thriving Developer Community
1 min read
Can you handle all the #CiscoDNA sessions that Adam Radford has prepared for you, Cisco Live Melbourne?
Are You Ready to Learn About Intuitive Wi-Fi?!
3 min read
Stephen Cooper debuts as a Cisco employee at Cisco Live Melbourne 2019. But this long-time Networker is already a star in the global Mobility community. Catch him, if you can! #TeamDevNet #CLMel