network software

September 29, 2022


Software End of Life…a reason to make a change

1 min read

Cisco has revised its software support End-of-Life policy for embedded OS and application software.

February 21, 2020


To Upgrade or Not Upgrade? That Should Not be the Question

3 min read

Do you ride old network software until it's unsupported or dead? Read about the benefits of maintaining up-to-date software and how they far outweigh the landmines of staying on old, unsupported versions.

August 19, 2015


The Evolution of Networking Software

2 min read

As a long time networking veteran, I’ve watched our industry change and respond to a wide variety of disruptive changes. I remember PictureTel ISDN videoconferences on the IBM PC. Then came  IP video conferencing in the early ’90s.  Things picked up 1991, when Microsoft launched Windows Media Player 1.0. Though Windows Media Player and Microsoft […]

Small Business Profile: Auto Union Tuning

3 min read

Hello all, Out here in Southern California, in a town called Huntington Beach, is a growing Auto Shop called Auto Union Tuning. It is a special place where the owners, Dave and Raz specialize in car care, maintenance and tuning of VW, Audi and Porsche automobiles. On any day, you will find a combination of […]

Introducing FindIT, Cisco Small Business Automated Software Delivery Service

1 min read

Hello again, Marc Nagao and the Cisco Small Business Team. Over the weekend, my family and I were in Indian Wells to watch the world’s best tennis players play at the BNP Paribas Open. I have to say, watching them play live, at competition speed, is something to behold. It’s difficult to comprehend the speed, […]